My Trolling pontoon set-up (pics and short vid)

you guys asked for pics of my trolling set up well here it is.

probably not as elaborate as you might have thought but it is a fish catching machine for sure. I can pack the whole set up to the water and be fishing in 10 minutes from trail to water.

I shot the vid today, fish were sitting around 70-80 feet and the hummingbird shows a thin line where my downrigger weight runs so it works pretty good to guage my depth, although it has a line counter I still use the sonar since I can be right on top of them.

I use a deep cycle rv battery that will run for 3 days without a charge. the little 40lb motor will scoot around pretty damn fast when you lay the juice on.

perfect set up for the high mountain lakes. if it is non motorized waters the oars do a fine job of keeping good speed.





WOW... cannon riggers on a toon, thats high livin!:clap:
Down rigger...

Down rigger...

I simply could not believe my, great job. Next a Bimini top ;)

wait a second..... wheres the simrad plotter and auto pilot? and no gun boot!:lol:;):lol:
thats the other boat, lol

these are my high lake weapons (back packable or wheeled)
Where are the registration stickers? :think:
I take it your not good at looking at those wheres waldo pics either.

on the battery box


must be one huge battery box, oregon regs state you must have 2" letters visible on both sides of boat located on the bow end of boat, or has that changed for toons?:think: Have you been inspected or been told by the sherriff that you're legal the way you have it?:pray:
Holly smokes! Nice looking toon.
A_J-Llama said:
must be one huge battery box, oregon regs state you must have 2" letters visible on both sides of boat located on the bow end of boat, or has that changed for toons?:think: Have you been inspected or been told by the sherriff that you're legal the way you have it?:pray:

read your regs..........

got a quote for ya

better to be thought of an ass rather than open you mouth and prove it......

now go lick the window
Ive Never fished in water Deeper then 80 Feet.
And 117 Feet in a Toon?
What if You Fall?
What if your mom calls you when you have a fish on and your drop your IPhone in the water?

But Anyways thats a Real nice setup.
I myself am Gonna get a ThunderJet.
I sold all the spendy stuff so I can find a good deal on a 26 ish foot enclosed house alum hewescraft/boulton type fishing boat

found a few in ak that were down to 40k
You know whats a good Idea?
Having a Full Size Pontoon as a Guide Boat.
Very innovative. Good Job by you Gonefirefighting..................:clap:
they arent registered in oregon!

the sticker is clearly the shape of nevada.
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Is it really that important that they are registered? Who gets the registration money and where is it going? Does the registration money go to improve waterways? to fix boat ramps (which by the way you don't need with a toon)? To pay for more 'law' enforcement on the waterways? Who does the money from "registration" benefit?

Also it is really not possible to place registration stickers on a toon as tubes and frames can be swapped out and yet after said swap you still have the same boat (say replacing a set of tubes due to excessive wear with the same size tubes). When I called the Marine board they told me to make a plaque out of wood or metal and hang it on the pontoon somewhere; and I asked them how they would be able to tell if I were to move the plaque from one boat to another (you see I have two of these pontoons myself). You see it isn't like putting the registration stickers on the hard hull of a personal water craft or hard shelled boat.

Unless the individual who is operating the pontoon is doing something that could harm others, or interfears with others the marine patrol really has no business interfearing with the operator of the pontoon.

To me this seems like another case of the hypothetical "Papers Please!", and why should we need 'papers' to perform an act that is legal anyway and doesn't hurt anyone.

The original poster isn't saying to us "hey look I'm breaking the law"; he is rather sharing with us some ingenuity on his part of customizing his pontoons.

I rather like the pontoon modifications.

gonefirefighting said:
they arent registered in oregon!

the sticker is clearly the shape of nevada.

Yeah, very clearly. :rolleyes:

My bad!

Why on earth would I even think it was registered in Oregon, this is clearly a Nevada fishing forum?
Maybe next time I should stick to posting in the Oregon Fishing Forum in regards to a person that has his location listed as living in Oregon.
Dang what was I thinking?

Seriously instead of being a smart azz when I asked asked about registration stickers, you could have very easily just answered to the fact that this pontoon is registered in Nevada and they don't require HIN numbers. How hard is that?

What was that quote you used earlier? Oh wait I found it!

gonefirefighting said:
read your regs..........

got a quote for ya

better to be thought of an ass rather than open you mouth and prove it......

now go lick the window

I read my regs and found the information regarding boat registration in Oregon. If you said read Nevada regs, that would be different.

Now in my best forum "Bill Engvall" voice.....
(Here's your sign)
I'd say you did a steller job opening your mouth and proving what I wasn't even considering at first.

BTW - Your pontoon setup is pretty nice non the less. Pretty well setup for some fun fishing.
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not sure what you said, but betting it was pretty lame.
gonefirefighting said:
not sure what you said, but betting it was pretty lame.

:rolleyes: Probably was.
good attitude, why don'tcha go back to Nevada???:clap::clap::clap:

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