My first yarn ball

i was up late last night looking through my tackle and decided i was going to try and make a yarn ball,after 4 failed attempts i finally got it..a nice purple yarn ball i was really excited it worked. and might i say im vey impressed with pop a top yarn.very soft, great colors and it is very easy to cut even with dull scissors and of course i couldn't have done this without a great video tutorial from chad at steelhead stalkers ill have a photo up of it soon.

yo man, seems like you're always posting stuff on here. Sounds like you really need to be getting out and trying these things first hand. Its the only way to really learn. Good luck
yeah, well i don't have a car... the only way i can go until i get my liscense is to pitch on gas to get rides... and i know i have to get out to learn im tryin take care,

yeah man just sayin'. Where you live? Maybe i could show you some things sometime. Sounds like you have a lot of interest in fishing. Just need to get out more.
Give the kid a break. He's trying to garnish as much info as he can, you can't fault him for that. At least he's putting an effort into something worth a damn, most kids these days don't get off the couch more than five minutes of a day on weekends. Whenhe gets wheels I'm pretty sure he will be fishing more.
i love how people just criticize about everything!!! He just love to fish and he is just a kid!!! i bet if he would have a car would be fishing all day and not having time for OFF!!!
yeah for real,i think im gunna stick to pop a top for now on..the stuff holds scent real good. (did a test in the tub) LOL. and for the people who and who gives a rats ass if i sit on OFF all day, im doing what i like to do. talk to friends abosrb more info as well as share it. thanks for the stuff again dave ;)

well,as soon i as i get my birth cetificate i will be going for my permit and 6 months later my liscense.. and guys don't worry about the people judging me. that dosen't phase me... it does make me seem loike a low life LOL. i just really need to fish..
i love how people just criticize about everything!!! He just love to fish and he is just a kid!!! i bet if he would have a car would be fishing all day and not having time for OFF!!!

if this was partially aimed towards me, i wasn't criticizing him were pretty good freinds for how little we have known eachother on here i just pointed out thats a lot of posts for a couple months, i stood up for you waco when everyone was getting all pissy about you eating that brooder, so i wouldnt call me much of a critic more like one of the most criticized on here if you look at the past month or two, just to clear that up.
if this was partially aimed towards me, i wasn't criticizing him were pretty good freinds for how little we have known eachother on here i just pointed out thats a lot of posts for a couple months, i stood up for you waco when everyone was getting all pissy about you eating that brooder, so i wouldnt call me much of a critic more like one of the most criticized on here if you look at the past month or two, just to clear that up.

he's talkin about the other guys not you colby
here it is..sorry for the bad quality
it's perfectly round theres just a lot of extra fibers hanging off of it. btw zooming in dosen't help it just makes it blurry



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he's talkin about the other guys not you colby

Hope you are not talking about me. I was not trying to be negative at all. I was just saying that you could read all kinds of books on different types of fishing and do research and such but nothing compares to time spent on the water. Thats all I was saying.
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