My first Cut Throat :)

Active member
Got him at a creek. I was able to get him to bite a tiny little olive scud nymph :) myfirstcutthroat.png

I went to release him thinkin he was a rainbow. He kinda rolled and I saw the red slash looking marks under his jaws. I am stoked!! I got another one about twenty minutes later. I coud tell he was a male due to his upper Jaw extending down past the lower one. :) For his size he faught well too!
awesome fish. grats bro. :clap:
good job!!!!
We all start somewhere and you have picked a good place to start I see. Congratulations.
That will be a memory for the rest of your life. Congratulations!
Ohhh, those K-razy Kuttties! :)
At first i tryed using spinners with a light rod , then tryed a few nymphs. They are picky no matter what people say. Unless my presentation was just bunk at first lol :)
mrlindeman said:
They are picky no matter what people say. Unless my presentation was just bunk at first lol :)

Picky? No.

Is there certain gear/bait one should use to match the conditions? Almost always.

Bud, when someone goes and lucks out on Trout, I hardly ever ask what they were using, all I have to do is look at depth, clarity, etc, and just brainstorm to match the conditions. Another factor for them not having interest in the spinner could have been the color of the blade, not from pickyness but spookyness ;).

Never have caught a single fish out of that water with a Spinner, spinners are the last thing I resort to for Trout fishing small streams, like I said, conditions.
Oh comon Drew you know that when it comes to me fishing, every fish is picky and genious lol. They just know when Im around and stop eating. Fish dont like me lol. I must have been an Osprey in a past life lol. Good sudgestions though brother. :)
nice fish man
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