Green Peter Lake - general information

This one is fairly easy to find being such a large lake.
Google Maps - Green Peter Lake

Most easily approached from the valley by following HWY 20 past Lebanon, and through Sweet Home directly after which you'll encounter Foster Lake (Reservoir?!). One can turn left at the sign for Foster Dam and Fish Hatchery, then follow the road east for a scenic drive towards Green Peter, but for a much quicker and not too much less scenic route stay on HWY20 past Foster and follow the sign for Green Peter Dam which will take you directly to Quartzville Rd.

Good shore access can be found during all water levels and times of the year at the park across the dam from Quartzville Rd.

The lake also has two boat ramps, the one at Thistle Creek is easily accessed at all water levels, while the one at Whitcomb closes early in the fall, probably at the same time as the camp ground. As far as shore access goes, both ramps have very limited access when the lake is at full pool, but a little bit of a drop in water level will reveal a great deal of productive shoreline.

During the early spring and late fall Green Peter also offers a great opportunity to catch fish with out the use of downriggers or heavy weights as the trout seeking comfortable water will leave the depths in search of warmer water.
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Has anyone been up here lately? If so how are the kokanee bitting?
Green Peter

Green Peter

Never been there, but I do have reservation at Whitcomb Creek May 19 for 5 days. Hope the Kokes are bitting and even more important hope I don't need downriggers.
fphowell, If you dont have down riggers, use a 1 1/2 ouce bananna weight, put your flashers(Willow leaf,Les Davis gold with silver) directly behind your weight use snap swivels, get eight inches of surgical tubing pull it over your swivel at the end of your flashers tie a square knot so it wont fall off, at the other end, put a barrel swivel in and tie it in the same way. Then use a 09076 wedding ring cut at 30 inches long. This is the magical part, get yourself 2 cans of tuna in OIL one can of WHITE SHOEPEG CORN, dont use regular corn it has to be white shoepeg corn, winco usually has it. Drain all of the oil into the drained corn. Then let sit over night. Cover your whole hook and dip your wedding ring in the juice. Let it out 40 to 55 pulls. Full pulls, from your reel to your first eye. Vary your speed and zig zag your boat every now and then. Fish the south shore from the dam and go east to the end of the lake. Try to stay in 40ft. to 120ft. of water or 40 to 70 feet off the shore. Pull your pole up and down every now an then this often gets you a fish. If you dont get any bites change you wedding ring color. They are picky fish sometimes. Good luck! hope this helps.
#1 Bait

#1 Bait

Went out today from 9:30 to 2 and caught 10 kokes and 5 stalkers, I had some friends that brought yellow corn, they couldnt find white shoepeg corn we had 8 fish to their 1 at the time. Be sure to use white shoepeg corn. They were still there when we left and I gave them some of my corn, I called them later and they had 16 fish. Be sure to drain two can of oil tuna into your drained corn. Good luck.
Another trick is to separate the corn into 3 or 4 contaniers, color each one with different color(I use food coloring). Red,Orange,Blue,Green......some anglers even have different scents on top of the color. Bright Red with shrimp oil has always been successful for me at O'Dell Lake. Their are so many little tricks to fishing....I think thats why these forums are so cool, people share what works for them and you can take it or leave it; the key is the information is there..
RUINZ said:
Went out today from 9:30 to 2 and caught 10 kokes and 5 stalkers, I had some friends that brought yellow corn, they couldnt find white shoepeg corn we had 8 fish to their 1 at the time. Be sure to use white shoepeg corn. They were still there when we left and I gave them some of my corn, I called them later and they had 16 fish. Be sure to drain two can of oil tuna into your drained corn. Good luck.

becareful with the corn....I've heard that Shoe peg is the only corn they can digest, everything else is illegal........anyone know if this is ture?:think::confused:

Good Job with the catch!:clap: Last few times i've been up, the rain was pouring down. Still have yet to get a koke this year. Got a bunch of stockers trolling a blue fox near the surface, thats about it though....

Keep up the good work! :clap:
Absolutely no mention of corn anywhere in the general regulations, so I'm guessing urban legend more than anything.


Water low, muddy at Thistle, tried spinners at primitive launch, clear up stream from there. Mud slide after bridge so we couldn't make it up to quartzville.
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GP and Foster

GP and Foster

I see the water level going up now.Up quite a bit since I was last there couple month ago.There is going to be some big bass tournaments come this ealry spring up there at GP.
I was up there yesterday and the water level is waaaay down right now. I have gone up there probably 8-9 times since December 30th and yesterday was by far the lowest of all the times. The reason I suspect is that they are refilling Foster since the dam has been fixed. If we get some good rain/snow in the next month then it should fill up pretty nicely. Until then its probably going to getting lower.
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it is low but......

it is low but......

It is low but when I was there in late Nove and early Dec it was lower than the pic above.I liked seeing it that low to find areas to fish when water gets higher.
Sweet, I do the same thing on my res. One of the great things about low water conditions is plotting the structure, I have even seen where other anglers have placed homemade structure. With the GPS systems available all it takes is a push of a button and return any time you want.
Does GP have a population of Smallies ?



Believe it or not I have been fishing up there quite a few years and never caught a smallie until this Nov.I had picked up a couple on same day about 1lb each on crank bait.I know quite a few my buddies from the bass club have caught smallies many times I hadnt til then.Most always been largemouth.Our bass club(mid valley bass formerly polk bass) have tournament scheduled up there as usual.There are also some big tourneys this year too
went fishing up their about 2 weeks ago and caught about 5 kokes from the bank just using a good ole bobber and worm setup
bank fishing for kokanee??

bank fishing for kokanee??

Ive been trying to get into some kokanee at green peter without the use of a boat. tell me more. where were you fishing?? and how far down was your worm?? any info is much appreciated, and maybe well run into each other some time, Brian
i was fishing about a mile up past the dam. i was using 4 pound line. and there was probably around 3 1/2 to 4 feet of line between the hook and bobber
Water Temp ?

Water Temp ?

Does anyone know the highest water temp they came across this year (2009) when you were out fishing at Greenpeter. What the temp was by the dam? Clarity of water in 100 to 40 FT. If you have that info Thanks. I will pass on some info real soon. :yay:
Does any1 kno when they last stalked the koxe in gp
chris61182 said:
Absolutely no mention of corn anywhere in the general regulations, so I'm guessing urban legend more than anything.

Emailed ODFW on this. Here is the reply...minus some names.

RE: Corn as bait Monday, June 8, 2009 7:41 PM

Good Morning Mr. ----: It is perfectly legal to use corn as bait, in fact, if you're fishing for Kokanee, this is
their favorite. Please let us know if we can be of any further assistance.

Thank you for your inquiry,
Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife
Fish Division

Sent: Monday, June 08, 2009 11:14 AM
Subject: FW: Corn as bait

Please respond. sf

Assistant Operations Manager
ODFW, Fish Division

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