Eating fish from Columbia


I appears it may be unhealthy to eat non migratory fish from the mid Columbia river region, bass, walleye, crappie, etc. your. Thoughts? What is considered the mid Columbia river? From? To?

My mom married my step dad about 1948 and they lived in Independence. He liked trout fishing so several time every year we'd go to East Lake fishing. We ate everything we caught. Today there are mecury warning at if! I wonder why it it never killed us as a kid? I catch it and keep it I eat it! mercury must come out of the ground. If mercury is in the water at East Lake then I imagine it was back in 1948 too! Sometime's I think finding and posting these unsafe to eat places, is to give Fish and Game something to do to justify their pay!
Leaded gasoline seemed like a good idea up until about the mid 70's. Same with leaded paint. Same with tobacco. What we don't know may still kill us. Or seriously maim us.
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