Eagle Creek is fishable again

I went to eagle creek today before eagle fern park at the fish ladder. The river remains high and pretty fast but the color is with 3-4 feet of visibility (green). Tough fishing out there but if you really need your fix :mad:!

Word from a sandy river guide is that the upper river will be fish-able tomorrow, he recommended jigs floated on current seams for bank bound fisherman.

Good luck out there and stay safe!
no thats a good post!!!!!!!!!!!
pink worms are killer on the sandy
too bad the E.C run is the worst in decades this year..
I second that one brad!!!! please dont tell me you have taken the drive to check it out... Cuz i have been going to your side of town this year due to how bad EC is... this last rain put about 6 new fish in the hatch but only 2 looked new to the river... bet the other 4 had holes in there mouth too lol... have seen almost as meany summer fish up there and they dont even have a run of them....
I don't need to drive over to see, when im getting p.m's from guys who catch 250 steelhead a year asking about the coast and BC... then the truth is out, E.C will have a failed run this year, you cannot put only 30,000 smolts in a system and expect to see more than about 600 adults return, the goverment has obviously abandoned EC for the time being. That will change again some day, but for now, unless you live 5 miles away its time to find some new stomping grounds. we going fishing wens or what?
Lmao yea we would if you wanted to fish some other day beside weekends and tuesdays. I fish most every other day when waters in shape so just pm me let me know where your going if you want company the 10mi trip to the creek isn't even worth it any more.
hey do any of you guys know why EC is not on the odfw's list of hatcheries
ummm think its a federal hatch would be why It might be that its a state hatch and im backwords lol happens a lot with me... and state is one putting springer smolts in like i said or other way around but think that might be why wouldnt be on there list im like 75% sure i got it the right way just google the hatch and it should tell you who runs it
You right Tom EC is a federal hatch, and this year's return is the first one from the new management!! Thats why is so bad and who knows until when!! :rolleyes:
if you guys only knew what happend to this years smolt... lets just say someone messed up on there numbers so there not getting the steelhead smolt they thought they would this year... next year should go back to normal. so another 4 years and we will have another run that sucks eggs
does eagle creek have springers??????????
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I dont know why people keep saying that!! There's no springers in EC!! :lol:
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Helll yeah Eagle has Springers.. Ive seen good numbers ( For a trickle in the summer ) over the years.. Nothing like the Winters but deffinantly there.. If you can hook them....2 years ago i saw over 50 springers in some deep water in the canyon. I think flymster has hooked all the fish that are in EC.. ha
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woops didn't mean to end that post... BUt it seems flymster has hooked quite a few winters up there over 80 i believe...But yeah this years a bust...
lol no me and him fish together 99% of the time think we both have gone like once without the other lol and we have only fished ec handfull of times and let me tell you no where near 80 lol not even 80 fish in there yet think all together have seen about 15 winters up there out all them times. We been on other creeks so if your checking his blog thats what your seeing
SteelmonKiller20 said:
Helll yeah Eagle has Springers.. Ive seen good numbers ( For a trickle in the summer ) over the years.. Nothing like the Winters but deffinantly there.. If you can hook them....2 years ago i saw over 50 springers in some deep water in the canyon. I think flymster has hooked all the fish that are in EC.. ha

it was a joke from a couple years back about how there wasn't any springers up there.... few of us were trying to keep it on the DL till damon had to post all the pics about how wrong we were lol
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waco said:
I dont know why people keep saying that!! There's no springers in EC!! :lol:

It's funny that because of this post I made, people gave me bad reputation and post comments like post the truth, there's springers in EC because of McIver! :lol: :lol: obviously you need to inform your self before posting dude! :lol:
bigsteel said:
does eagle creek have springers??????????

who cares? does anyone know when the chum run hits its 3rd peak in there, Flymstr will hopefuly still be in alaska.... then we might have a chance of getting one! good smokers I hear
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