Best piece of advice....?

More advice...

More advice...

Ditch bait casting and pick up a fly rod.:D
More advice..

More advice..

the fishing is ALWAYS better on the other side of the river or lake:D
Even more advice..

Even more advice..

Never drunk post and give your favorite fishing spots away:D
Three essentials (at least for the ladies) 1. Long poncho 2. Plastic bag 3. Toilet paper ;)
OnTheFly said:
Never drunk post and give your favorite fishing spots away:D

halibuthitman said:

In the off season, go to your stream and map out structure. Keep a log book on your trips. List everything.
Troutier Bassier said:
When the water is low, Go to your crick and look at every deep hole you find. every slot, Every small pool, every big rock and pebble. This way you can know where fish might be holding in higher water.
Buy good fishing line.
Best advice that someone recently gave me. " Don't over think it, and have fun. I caught more fish as a kid having fun and not knowing what I was really doing, than I have as an adult thought I knew what I was doing."
Hope that dosent happen to me. :( I catch more fish now then when I was a wee.
Don't try jumping over any sort of creek. :rolleyes:
Troutier Bassier said:
Hope that dosent happen to me. :( I catch more fish now then when I was a wee.

Compared to most of us.... You're still a wee.

Don't be afraid to try something new, some of the best fishing gear sold came from messing around.
Absolutely BEST way to catch fish:

Go fishing. :tongue:
When trying to put the hurt on winter steelhead the last weekend in January....Don't wade across a river without waders in jeans with a broken ankle because you're on pain pills and can't feel will feel the misery later. :(
JeannaJigs said:
When trying to put the hurt on winter steelhead the last weekend in January....Don't wade across a river without waders in jeans with a broken ankle because you're on pain pills and can't feel will feel the misery later. :(
true... but that is the kind of passion it takes sometimes to put ink on a tag:clap::clap::clap::shock:
JeannaJigs said:
When trying to put the hurt on winter steelhead the last weekend in January....Don't wade across a river without waders in jeans with a broken ankle because you're on pain pills and can't feel will feel the misery later. :(

You are my HERO!!! :clap: :clap: :D
Always take a min.before putting your line in and ask your creator for a blessing of catching a fish..
he put them here on earth.. not odfw..
Fish-On Fred said:
In the off season, go to your stream and map out structure. Keep a log book on your trips. List everything.

This is outstanding advice.
"If you fish like everyone else, you'll catch like everyone else too."
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