Ballenger Pond bass fishing

I talked to a guy about two weeks ago. He said it was around 45 down deep and close to 50 near the bank. But that was before the tropical weather. Didn't make it there last night but for sure I'll be there this evening.
No word yet.

No word yet.

Havent heard back from the aluminum outfit yet think i will go in thurs or fri and try to talk to them again. Must be persistant gonna keep tryin to work a deal . Just wanted to keep ya posted
Havent heard back from the aluminum outfit yet think i will go in thurs or fri and try to talk to them again. Must be persistant gonna keep tryin to work a deal . Just wanted to keep ya posted

Nice was wondering how that was going. Fished for bluegill tonight at ballenger and only got one. It was really windy and i think that was the problem. My buddy managed to catch a 2.5" bass took it home to get to know his pirahna. Had a couple of friends fishing the north bank that managed to catch a couple bluegill. They went to the back pond and seen a couple hogs.
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Nice was wondering how that was going. Fished for bluegill tonight at ballenger and only got one. It was really windy and i think that was the problem. My buddy managed to catch a 2.5" bass took it home to get to know his pirahna. Had a cuple of friends fishing the north bank that managed to catch a couple bluegill. The went to tha back pond and seen a couple hogs.

How big are the bluegill in ballenger?
I know a guy that can get me access to the ramp...

I know a guy that can get me access to the ramp...

If so anyone interested in the front seat...will be in about 4-5 weeks. He gave me a choice on the date and I figured this would be a lot warmer and I really want a Bass I can stick a bucket in its mouth. I will be bringing my own homemade DuPont Spinners with rattle traps built in... Anyone have some time in early June?

How big are the bluegill in ballenger?

No state records or anything but they get to about average size compared to the ones i have seen in my many years of catching them around town. Ballenger could be hiding some monster bluegill but i haven't seen them. I've also seen a few crappie caught out of there and heard stories of some big ones.
Seat filled...

Seat filled...

If so anyone interested in the front seat...will be in about 4-5 weeks. He gave me a choice on the date and I figured this would be a lot warmer and I really want a Bass I can stick a bucket in its mouth. I will be bringing my own homemade DuPont Spinners with rattle traps built in... Anyone have some time in early June?


The seat is full...

If so anyone interested in the front seat...will be in about 4-5 weeks. He gave me a choice on the date and I figured this would be a lot warmer and I really want a Bass I can stick a bucket in its mouth. I will be bringing my own homemade DuPont Spinners with rattle traps built in... Anyone have some time in early June?

I am, what ramp???? are u talken about the back pond ramp???? I'm down
Im sure I missed it. How do you get to ballenger? Can I launch my 17' 50hp there? I must be dense, I thought I was the only basser in Eugene. This is a cool sight.

all explained in the history of this very long post read back and you shall have the knowlege you seek Sorry dont think yer gettin that boat in front probably could in back if it were open but really not necessary on any of the ballenger ponds they small
Back pond...

Back pond...

all explained in the history of this very long post read back and you shall have the knowlege you seek Sorry dont think yer gettin that boat in front probably could in back if it were open but really not necessary on any of the ballenger ponds they small

There is a ramp in the very back pond...if you like contact the owner or get cozy with one of the current employees and you are in. Some of the very best Bass and Carp angling around, and only 4 min from my drive way....lucky me:dance:



I just got back from Ballengers. Spent about 20 minutes fishing and 30 picking up over 2 cases of beer cans.:mad: I just missed whoever it was because they emptied their cooler ice on the ground and it was just starting to melt.

I sure hope it wasn't one of our members and if it was you know who you are. You had better hope I never catch you leaving your crap there because I will turn you in to the law. I will sign the complaint and follow it all the way through court.

And if you do decide to be and idiot and do it again at least don't be 100% idiot and leave them on the bank next time instead of throwing them in the water.:(
I just got back from Ballengers. Spent about 20 minutes fishing and 30 picking up over 2 cases of beer cans.:mad: I just missed whoever it was because they emptied their cooler ice on the ground and it was just starting to melt.

I sure hope it wasn't one of our members and if it was you know who you are. You had better hope I never catch you leaving your crap there because I will turn you in to the law. I will sign the complaint and follow it all the way through court.

And if you do decide to be and idiot and do it again at least don't be 100% idiot and leave them on the bank next time instead of throwing them in the water.:(

That's rediculous. I can't believe people do that. It's things like that that keep us from fishing the better locations.
Im sure I missed it. How do you get to ballenger? Can I launch my 17' 50hp there? I must be dense, I thought I was the only basser in Eugene. This is a cool sight.
might be too big bro,i think a 9 to 12ft is good for that pond i think,I have a ninefoot pontoon and it's works good for this size of that pond
I just got back from Ballengers. Spent about 20 minutes fishing and 30 picking up over 2 cases of beer cans.:mad: I just missed whoever it was because they emptied their cooler ice on the ground and it was just starting to melt.

I sure hope it wasn't one of our members and if it was you know who you are. You had better hope I never catch you leaving your crap there because I will turn you in to the law. I will sign the complaint and follow it all the way through court.

And if you do decide to be and idiot and do it again at least don't be 100% idiot and leave them on the bank next time instead of throwing them in the water.:(
how was the fishing?????

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