Anyone been out to EE recently?

Thinking of heading out there on Sunday, it looks like they have been stocking it with a bunch of trout so fishing should be good..... just hoping someone had fished it recently as I have never been there.

Thanks!! Bob
I went out with my wife on Saturday for a couple of hours. I was fishing a nymph under an indicator (along with 5 other guys out there that day), she was using spinners. Not only did we never get a bite, we didn't see anyone catch a thing. Hopefully its better for you. I strongly recommend a floating device and start near the bush cover and move out to the middle.
E.E. Wilson

E.E. Wilson

I have not been out to the lake this year. May I suggest what has worked for me in the past and it can be very slow fishing at E E Wilson. I use a sliding egg sinker with a swivel and a long leader line. The leader has to be at least 2' minimum if not longer. I use rainbow power bait with glitter on a small gold egg hook. This is bank fishing. When you get to the lake follow the path to the right and walk around the lake to the far side. Cast as far as you can out and keep most of the slack out of the line as they can have a soft bite. The long leader will help you keep out of the most of the weeds but not all of them. Good Luck ! and remember thier is no such thing as a bad day fishing ! :)
Was out there the first week it was open when they had about 4k fish stocked for opening week... The first morning we were using spinners and fished from sun up till 7am. Maybe 30 min of good light and ended up with 8 fish. We had to go though b/c we had work that day. Pulling fish was totally awesome when others were having hard time with power bait, but it was a one timer.

Been there 4 times since then... only 2 fish to be had.
yeah I saw that too, and also called last night to check :P I have fished the egg sinkers and power bait off the bottom a lot.... so that is a possibility and I figured I'd bring the fly rod too. Thanks everyone for the responses!
Alright ee wilson!

Alright ee wilson!

So this thread got me itching and I went out this morning. Got seven in 45 minutes! waited an hour to the next one and then the last one was ten minutes after that. Through the first seven back including two over 14" one being nearly 15". Gave the last two away. Here's some pics...

All on my fly rod with a nymph and indicator.
i have only really dry fly fished... how far down do you put the nymphs from your indicator?

thank you! another question. do you just cast it out there and let it sit? or is there some kind of presentation to it?

I am still a very new beginner. But my success came friday with the nymph about 2 feet down and I just let it sit. Most of the time the breeze moved for me. But I have only been successful a few times.
Just got back from there. Got two probably 10 inch brook trout. Had to kepp them due to hooking them very deep. They were bleeding once we tried to get the hook out. Caught them on worms under a bobber.

Just came back from there. Caught 5 brookies and 2 rainbows on a nymph. A guy was fly fishing not far mrom me. When he hooked a fish, an osprey dived, got his fish, and pooled until the line got broke. That was something...
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