Any recent reports from Detroit Reservoir?


Has anyone been fishing at Detroit Reservoir within the last couple of weeks? Did you have any luck? Any suggestions on spots to fish or tackle to use?

I'm going up there later this week w/ a couple of buddies. We'll only have a day and a half. So, I want to try to make it a good trip for them.

Thank you.
I was up there yesterday fishing the Breitenbush arm, they were hitting just about anything. But they really seemed to love my cured steelhead roe! It wouldnt last more than a minute after i cast before i had one on. didn't see any bigger fish, just the common planter size and no million dollar tags either.
Take a run up the French Creek channel, fish the channel after the bridge right before it becomes open water. Last month I walked down there from the actual moving water and casted a #2 Blue Fox, about my 4th cast I watched over 50 fish between 8-17 inches chase me up to the first drop off. 3 of my buddies were using Powerbait, color did not matter, they would run out of one color and just switch to another, we even mixed Brown with Chartruese, black buggers were getting them also, but they should have a tungsten bead WITH lead wrapping around the hook, White orange beaded buggers were getting chased but seemed too bright for the clear water.

If we didn't get a hit within 10 seconds of hitting bottom, we would reel about 6 feet and drop it again, I would jig my powerbait and reel slowly to shore and the fish would be stacked behind it, the jigging really entices them, even with a Blue Fox.
Thanks everyone.

I forgot to mention, that we'll have a boat.

dont overlook below tumble creek.. well.. i think thats where it is.. troll from the boat dock there and keep goign down the lake, and there will be an almost eddy type swirl a ways down with about 20-30 ft of water i believe anchor up about 30 ft from the bank and cast gold cleo's and kastmasters me and pops did good there, becauuse the current was bring bfood through and the fishfinder was going crazy because there were so many fish. also, troll the middle of the lake just out from there for chinook. troll koke gear for em or crankbaits,spoons etc. we only got one chinook when we were there but they are in there!
No Need fro the boat just hit Big Cliff in the AM I was there today and I caught about 16 trout, all standard pelletheads but it was wild
Thanks for posting. Sounds like fun.

We're they hitting anything that you tossed at them, or did you use one specific method or type of tackle or bait?
in the morning while the water is low and fast hit them with rooster tails you'll see 20-30 chase and I got fish my first 3 casts on an orange rooster, around noon the water level was raising dramatically they seemed to like bait on bobber, be careful with powerbait though the dough will get picked off the hook, try white eggs, they seem to think it's hatchery food. All in all Rooster Tails,Mepps, whatever spinners you have will do the trick.
Thank you for the tips!

I quit using Power Bait quite some time ago. It's Power Eggs for me nowadays; and I have multiple colors to try. And I have gobs of spinners/spoons/flies (woolly buggers, leech's, and Borden Specials).

We're still going to take the boat, and do some trolling too. Plus, we'll likely anchor up near creek inlets too. We want to get some of the bigger boys too!
Well we're buggin' out this afternoon. We will arrive at Detroit by early eve. If you see a dude in a Beaver's baseball cap w/ an orange bill and in a 14' Gregor aluminum...stop n' say hi!

Hope everyone has a great weekend!
Just got back. Yesterday, I C & R' ALL morning long! My two buddies didn't fare so well. But, I literally could not keep the trout OFF my hook(s). Yes, I said hooks...have a two rod license. I must have fought 30+ fish. Nothing over 12", but heck on my 5' Ultralights, they all felt like steel!!!

Thank you to all who shared tips and advice!

Stay tuned...more to follow.
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