Alton Baker trout fishing

grampa ron
I caught a nice limit of trout today. Fished from 10am to 5pm and caught them in the last 2 hrs. I used a Thomas lure to getter done.
Right on Grampa Ron!:clap:
Trout at Alton Baker

Trout at Alton Baker

The Thomas Lure did it for me again. I got another limit in less than an hour. Again it was mid afternoon. It lasted about an hour and then just turned off. Couldn't get another hit.
Where do you guys park to access the AB canal. I'm like five minutes away and have been meaning to give it a shot.

In fact, I would appreciate any info that anyone has on the entire Alton Baker area as far as fishing opportunities. It's close to me, looks fishy and I never see many anglers around...
lot o options for the whole family around there. they stock across from Kowloons Resturant with lots of grassy bank access there, and plenty caught. then over in the park the fish end up where the canal spills into the Willamette. you can also access a big pond on the canal behind the BMX track parking near Autzen. All along the park there is good bank access to the Willy and even a boat ramp near the dog park. let us know of you head down there sometime.
Stocking Alton Baker

Stocking Alton Baker

I was there last week when they stocked AB Pond. They actually put very few in it. From what I saw, they might have put in 100. For a pond that big, it's not very many. They do put a few under I-5 and a few more in the canal, but the majority go in across from Kowloons.
I'm guessing they don't always stock the canal when they say they will. I was down close by the water pipe across from Kowloon's today and watched several people come and go without so much as a bite. So far nothing seems to work out there; worms, eggs and various lures. I've been skunked at Alton Baker every time I've went, usually a day or two after it's supposedly been stocked according to the schedule and it's starting to become discouraging coming back without anything. I've heard lots of success stories by now and I'd like to come back from there with one of my own.
jollygreenbuddha said:
i'm guessing they don't always stock the canal when they say they will. I was down close by the water pipe across from kowloon's today and watched several people come and go without so much as a bite. So far nothing seems to work out there; worms, eggs and various lures. I've been skunked at alton baker every time i've went, usually a day or two after it's supposedly been stocked according to the schedule and it's starting to become discouraging coming back without anything. I've heard lots of success stories by now and i'd like to come back from there with one of my own.

the dates listed are all mondays
trout stocking will occur sometime during the work week
please call (971) 673-6000 ext 2 after 2:00 pm daily to check stocking status
all drivers check in as soon as stocking is completed
last year at this time i was gettin limits right next to that pipe, but this year the times that i've tried, i've gotten only a few bites, i've tried with lures too, the powerbait knocked 'em out last year... i'm going to persist though...
well i got skunked again yesterday, i fished mostly the whole canal (from canoe rental shop to across from kowloon) i fished powerbait, i fished super dupers, i fished with everything that i've got but i had no luck.
Does it just get fished out that fast or is it something else? Any time I've gone there and there's half decent weather that place seems packed full with people tossing their lines in. I can't always go there the very day or the day after it's stocked. Sad to say, at this point I'm pretty much ready to give up on the canal. I was really hoping for a good spot to fish in town too.
I'm trying to not get pessimistic too quickly, but I'm not having much luck there either.

I've gone down there three times in the last month, and tried just about everything without getting a single bite. I have also not seen anyone else pull a single fish out yet....
I think the fish disperse rather quickly after being dumped in there. It's been a while since I've been out there, but I used to fish the Willamette below the confluence of that nasty duck pond water, and have always done pretty well, while never having much success elsewhere. I think they're just going downstream. Although, if you have a 'toon, kayak or other small craft, you can take it up the canal to the big pond (you can walk into near the bmx track), and there's some pretty good sized fish holding out in the middle of it, but never done terribly well in recent years from the bank. When i was a kid though, i remember always catching fish from those banks.
well i finally got my limit out there last night, used a silver kastmaster. :cool:
Leaburg Hatchery phone number

Leaburg Hatchery phone number

896-3294 is the toll free number for the Leaburg Hatchery. Pushing ext. 1
will give you a recording with the exact day, location, number and size of trout to be stocked. You need to fish AB Park the day of stocking for best results.
i got 15+ yesterday, powerbait and kastmaster :cool:
Great Job Bro.............................:clap::clap::clap:.............................:D:D:D.......................................:cool::cool::cool:
Alton Baker Trout

Alton Baker Trout

I got C&R 5 at the pond and 15+ in the canal. Fed 2 to the heron. All caught on barbless flies with no handling or touching the fish. The true no kill way.
i get all of mine up at the pond, i'm there quite a bit, i'm still hoping for that hawg. i got some more last night, 5 or 6 i don't remember;)
what kind of flies do you use at Alton Baker. I have never been there but it sounds great.

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