What's easier to catch???

So the more I fish the more I realize the majority of fishing stores are set up around the fisherman, not the fish. I love tying flies just to tie them. I have found though that my own patterns, and some are UGLY, outfish the cool looking ones any day of the week. Also the simple spinners, yarn patterns etc all seem to outfish the spendy flashy ones. Anyone else notice this? I could save a lot of money with just a few flies, but its so much fun to experiment! Don't tell my wife:shock: My fishing fund would be gone!
The axiom is this:

Companies don't make lures for the fish. The fish have no disposable income.

Companies specifically maker lures, on the other hand, flashy, bright, noisy, etc...because they are selling their wares to fishermen and women. It's flashy, so

WE, however, WILL use our disposable income, to purchase mostly worthless crap at the fishing shops. It is ALL about marketing products, and triggering our buying habits into spending our money on what they are pitching. Period.
Roe for salmon and steelhead!!! It comes with the fish and it's free!!! The best bait ever!

Plugs and spinners? I've narrowed my selection to very few color combo's that are field proven to work!

Lot's of worthless, uneccessary tackle out there!
Mad dog said:
Roe for salmon and steelhead!!! It comes with the fish and it's free!!! The best bait ever!

Plugs and spinners? I've narrowed my selection to very few color combo's that are field proven to work!

Lot's of worthless, uneccessary tackle out there!

I have a plug that I use for salmon and steelhead... same size and color, and I have a whole box of other varieties that I never use.
most products out there won't catch you anymore fish than the basics (coughUVcrapcough), but sometimes, you gain confidence in a specific pattern etc. I have 20 million plugs, because I never had confidence in the early years in one or two of them, but there's only two I use 95% of the time now, the other 5% I try everything in the box during ADD moments. Same with jigs, GOOD GOD. If you have ADD and constantly want to change out your rig because you don't catch something in 10 minutes...DO NOT LEARN TO TIE JIGS. My jig boxes (yes, plural) are ridiculous...but in the end...this last winter and summer I caught fish on the same two patterns that I ended up using 85% of the time, again, sans ADD moments.
As jeanna said,fish with what you have confidence in,,the flashy sparkly things are usually never worth the time,,my dad still uses the same size 14 renegade he has used since the late 80s and still catches tons of fish.
So how about saving some folks some time and money they um, I don't have. Tell us your favorite proven fish killers. Come on you can do it, the holidays are just around the corner you can get into the spirit of giving right here.;)
Most of us switch out our OFFerings when the fishing is slow.... That's when we find the lures/bait that doesn't work very well, Gee I wonder why it doesn't work.

Next time your catching fish like crazy, THAT'S the time to try everything in the box to see if the fish will take it.

Most of us have confidence in certain techniques because that's what we have caught fish with in the past. I met an old guy down on the Wilson river years ago who was using night crawlers to catch Nooks with! He was catching when no one else could get a nibble. I asked him why and he said every fish in the river remembers that night crawlers are good to eat.

So next time your on a roll catching fish left and right, drag out all the stuff you thought was worthless and see if it really is.

This thread is cute
2 weeks ago I fished trout with a guide buddy of mine, and though he wouldn't accept gas money or any cash... I did catch him trying to steal my peach steelheadstockers uv yarn Chad sent me... Just sayin
I know a guy that is a good drift fisherman. He goes down to a local springer hole and does pretty good fishing prawn tails. After a couple of trips some of the regulars notice that he is consistantly catching fish and begin using prawn tails. Of course, they begin getting bit as well and pretty soon everyone in this hole begins using prawn tails for springers! Magic bait!!! Most of them just went from being flossers to fishing bait without even knowing it! Instead of flossing their crap by a salmon waiting for what they think was a bite they are now actually fishing something that the fish will possibly eat! A ton of things will work for salmon or steelhead if you fish them correctly!
I tried drifting bait this yr and the salmon were so aggressive. Really fun! I like the shiny stuff, but fish the plain stuff.
Sometimes nothing in the box, vest or boat will catch you fish! :D

I just use what people who don't catch fish say to use. Its worked out good so far.

Like said above, use what you have confidence in and keep it simple. :dance:
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