Dave, your OFF to a good start. I too share the enjoyment of twisting up potential fish slaying utensils. In my own odyssey I have fabed quite a few spinners that looked great yet totally failed to preform in the basic sense and some even refused to spin at all. We all start at the same place and improve with each we produce.
I am thankful to have had a great cast of characters here on the forum, willing to critique my efforts along the way. Truth be told I held casting spinners in total disdain and only carried them as a weapon of last resort. Granted they were mainly Blue foxes and only 1 in 10 are quazi balanced (hence my lack of success and my doubting stance).
The biggest boon to my "enlightenment" came via Osmosis and Arctic. I listened as intently as I could ( limited as I may be) trying to absorb the info that helped establishing a benchmark for spinner assembly and function. I can credit many members here who's insights have helped me personally improve the fish-ability of hand fabed spinners.
Before I go long on the tooth here, the most important thing I want to express is..... One; thanks for sharing your wares. Second; would be within the exchange of info surrounding gear we make and post, the "pointers" given by other members can go a long way towards the evolution of things we might fabricate. Something quite special seems to exist here with OFF. Our members are truly warm hearted and their intent is genuine. Spinner fab is much more of a science than I initially expected.
Folks like Osmosis and Kodiak, being professionals in the industry; understand the benchmark criteria and are totally willing to share the does and don'ts simply for the love of the sport. You, I and anyone else interested have a golden opportunity to get started on the "right" path. Once the fundamentals are established; pushing the innovation envelope can become a errrr...... addiction.