What store has a nice selection of lures?

I just moved up here recently and now that I know where to fish, I'd like to know where to buy some nice trolling lures. I don't know id there are any stores with an extremely wide selection but I'm looking for bang tails and something like thomas spoons. I don't remember seeing walmart with these the last time I went and Joes is pretty much depleted of anything and everything. If anyone knows of a good store or website let me know, preferably with free shipping because I don't want to spend 6 dollars on shipping for a 3 dollar lure haha.

Oh yeah, and I'm in Eugene.
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fishermans in Oregon City used to have a great selection all the time. since the recession, its been a while since they stocked the shelves, theres always Sportsmans, and my favorite first stop - Bi-Mart.
Fishermans Marine Supply........Bi Mart.........Cabelas on line Bass Pro Shop. Those are a few.


For local access I use BiMart, nice selection and reasonable prices. If you are not strapped for time then Cabelas is the place. Great service and quality products..Plus they are a sponsor of OFF (see left hand margins).

In Eugene, all we've got left with decent prices and selection is Bi-Mart, since Joe's demise, they've increased their selection even further.
with GI joes going under do they have anything much left? i keep looking at the back of my fishing booklet and seeing the ad and wonder what it will be next year, it has been Gi joes for as long as i can remember.
joes signs say "after 50 years, closing for good".
Their shalves have been hit HARD. atleast the one up here has pretty barren shelves.
with GI joes going under do they have anything much left? i keep looking at the back of my fishing booklet and seeing the ad and wonder what it will be next year, it has been Gi joes for as long as i can remember.
In the Eugene/Springfield area, we're severely limited locally. Thanks to the internet you can order pretty much anything, but shipping is usually outrageous, and will be going up next week. I really wish something new would open up, but I don't foresee that happening unfortunately. Hopefully I'm wrong!
In the Eugene/Springfield area, we're severely limited locally. Thanks to the internet you can order pretty much anything, but shipping is usually outrageous, and will be going up next week. I really wish something new would open up, but I don't foresee that happening unfortunately. Hopefully I'm wrong!

I actually just finished poking around the internet and decided to go with basspros.com, I got 7 lures for around 28 bucks including shipping and that's pretty good I think. Got a few Thomas lures a few roostertails and a spinner so I'm happy for the time being, and yeah Joe's was hit HARD. There is nothing left on the selves but the junk that isn't worth 30% off. I did get a pretty nice crankbait (was the last one) but other than that I couldn't even get swivels.
Bi-Mart and walmart have good cheap lures but for a better selection but an pricer selection go to jasper store. They have lures you can't find in town.
I've heard that 2 Bros tackle in Eugene is pretty good (although I've never been in there) Does anybody have any input on that?
I've heard that 2 Bros tackle in Eugene is pretty good (although I've never been in there) Does anybody have any input on that?
2 bros is good, but they have limited hours (or they used to, that may have changed). They're a bit pricey on some things, but they can also special order anything you want, and the service there is always good. They also do reel cleaning and repair for a very reasonable price.
2 Bros is great, the customer service is awesome and I personally will pay a little higher prices for better help. That is the main reason I will never set foot in another wal-mart as long as I live. But I think they are actually comparable to what Joe's ( who should have kept the GI in their name) was like if not a little better as the price thingy goes.
Tackle shops in Eugene

Tackle shops in Eugene

I've heard that 2 Bros tackle in Eugene is pretty good (although I've never been in there) Does anybody have any input on that?

Welcome to the friendly forum with great members who are here for your fishing enjoyment. OFF members will share all sorts of information,including where,when and how. You are more than welcome to browse the archives and fill your brain with a dizzying amount of info. We are glad to have you on board! I pasted some info on tackle shops in your area,though I don't get down there often enough to know anything about any of them. None of them seem to have websites. Be safe.

Name & Address Phone #
2 Brothers Tackle
900 Mckinley St, Eugene, OR 97402 (541) 434-1133
Blitzen River Rod Co
4135 Berrywood Dr, Eugene, OR 97404 (541) 689-3614
Caddis Fly Angling Shop
168 W 6th Ave, Eugene, OR 97401 (541) 342-7005
Home Waters Fly Fishing
444 W 3rd Ave, Eugene, OR 97401 (541) 342-6691
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I'm pretty sure moparpride isn't talking about shops not in the eugene/springfield. Personally I wouldn't drive all the way up to Portland just to buy a few lures. I still stand by jasper store but the trick is to build up a decent collection of tackle and just buy a lure or two every time you pass through to get the ones you can't find in town.
Totally missed the 'I'm in Eugene' line - sorry!

It's all good, I do pass through portland every now and then. I'm actually gonna be going though portland in a few weeks because I'm taking a plane out of of town instead of driving this time. I'll try to leave a little earlier so I can maybe check one out.
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