Weekend report! for the Sandy river

well the river level was 12.5 sat decided to go any way because i was so curious to see what damage the flood cause and at marmont and cedar creek looked like a bomb went off. water was way to high and muddy white milkey mess. my cousin found a cromer buck dead with his head stuck in the sand???? wonder how many other fish died in the flood. any way water is still 11.2 this morning should be good by wed. to fish. just watched football on sun!!!
take care better luck and river levels next weekend!!!
well the river level was 12.5 sat decided to go any way because i was so curious to see what damage the flood cause and at marmont and cedar creek looked like a bomb went off. water was way to high and muddy white milkey mess. my cousin found a cromer buck dead with his head stuck in the sand???? wonder how many other fish died in the flood. any way water is still 11.2 this morning should be good by wed. to fish. just watched football on sun!!!
take care better luck and river levels next weekend!!!

Thanks for the info buddy! I am going out there sometime this week maybe I will wait til Thurs or Fri. I will also give a report on this thread!

I was wondering why I haven't seen many successful reports, from last weekend. It was also too high to fish, at the North Santiam too...and probably just about all other rivers too.

What a bummer, cuz it sure was a nice weekend weather wise!
Thanks for the report! I am going to be starting my 2011 Season of Steel (as I have dubbed it) next week starting on Wednesday morning at Oxbow and moving around the river the rest of the week...I will probably have to start slow to check out how my holes have changed but I plan on runnin' and gunnin' about three days a week after that...keep up the great reports! Maybe I will see ya out there! DB.
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