Sandy river steelhead 1-19-10

Another great day on the sandy! We decided to hit farther up to see if the fish were as far as the old marmont dam that was taken down. Hiked down to a very nice drift and 2 nd cast nailed a very nice native hen that weighed about 8 lbs. Then on my forth cast got this very nice hatchery buck! Weighed about 8 lbs or so too. I am curious though as to why there are so many hatchery fish so far up the river. I would have figured they would stay below cedar creek??? My cousin and i went home with 4 very nice steelhead from the marmont area ,3 were cromers but the one buck i got had some color to him. We were using orange and white yarn and orange corkee seams to be the hot ticket on the sandy this year.

Slay the steel!!!
God job man!
nice nice nice:D:D:D
Envious in Dallas

Envious in Dallas

GREEEEEN here and not the environmentally concerned one either...;)
Congrats on the very nice fish!
Nice job.Nice fish
boberdown said:
Another great day on the sandy! We decided to hit farther up to see if the fish were as far as the old marmont dam that was taken down. Hiked down to a very nice drift and 2 nd cast nailed a very nice native hen that weighed about 8 lbs. Then on my forth cast got this very nice hatchery buck! Weighed about 8 lbs or so too. I am curious though as to why there are so many hatchery fish so far up the river. I would have figured they would stay below cedar creek??? My cousin and i went home with 4 very nice steelhead from the marmont area ,3 were cromers but the one buck i got had some color to him. We were using orange and white yarn and orange corkee seams to be the hot ticket on the sandy this year.

Slay the steel!!!
some just keep on going . not all hatchery fish hit the brakes at cedar . caught coho up there . marmot used to be a killer nook hole . full of hatchery nookie . they get lost . they dont like the spawning ground and just keep going . im sure its more technical than that , but in a nut shell , from a truck driver , what else can you expect ? nice fish by the way . my fish this year have all been above cedar .
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