Umpqua river springers

Diamond Lake Charlie
It is getting on to spring and I am working to get my legs under me so I can get back out on the river and Diamond to do some fishing. With the trout I have no problem but for some reason the Salmon just laugh at me. I have often pulled in bait when trolling and had nothing but teeth marks on them, so I just figure that little pea brain is smarter than mine. I am hoping to get in some time for some springers so maybe there is somebody out there who can help me. On the main Umpqua a few miles up from Reedsport, there is an island, I think behind the condo's I am thinking about trying again this spring. I have the boat, I have the anchor system and all the the rest of the stuff but I cannot remember what the fish prefer in making their runs up the river. One side is deep +20ft and the other is rather less than 10ft. but greater than 5ft shallow and faster water.. My question is what type of water would the fish prefer. I am not experienced in chasing the fish when they have a choice. I will admit I am a fall salmon fisher and have only been out after springers once or twice Anybody out there have any good information for me, I would really appreciate it.
They'll always take the path of least resistance. I've picked them up in 3' of soft water.
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I should most productive springer run on the Umpqua is slow water, 3 to 4 feet deep, within 20 feet of the bank and well outside the main channel.
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Understand on that. Its I am a newbie for springers and the spot I am going is usually during the week. So I don't worry about battling with other boats and I don't recall ever seeing anybody in there at all. Most of the springer fisher's I do see are up by the bridge to Scottsburg in the lava channels, but they have to go through there. However I really don't care if I get one or not as that to me is just a bonus as it is all about getting out and enjoying life to the best of my ability anymore. From your picture I would say we are in the same age bracket but time and injuries has made it a bit difficult for me. If push comes to shove I will try a couple of spots I know at the forks, if people will let me in and then there is Diamond.
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