To all you OFFers!!

I know winter is coming which means that the bees will be leaving! (thank god)

I just wanted to let everyone know to be careful out there in the woods while fishing and walking trails! The last 3 times i have went fishing, i have gotten chased out by a swarm of bees... and its not fun!! I got stung about 5-10 times all 3 trips!! Glad im not ellergic to them.

Blackberry pickers: I recomend looking in the bushes and at the bottom of bushed on the ground for bees, hornets, or wasp nests! I have been chases out of places by them while picking blackberries. Listen for that buzzzzzzzz sound! If you do here it Run....! get the heck out of there! You will see holes in the ground with bees coming in and out!

People who just walk trails: Keep an eye out for fallin down hives! I was riding my bike through a trail the other day, wasn't payin attention and ran one over that was the biggest hive i have ever seen! Luckily i had my bike so i was able to get away because i literally think every bee in that hive was after me! I have been having bad luck with bees this year and im tired of it!!!!!!!!!!

So here is your warning fellow OFFers! Play it safe out on the water and catch fish!

Thanks, Tanner.
Good lookin out! Gettin chased by a swarm of bees is no fun, and something us outdoorsmen should definitely be aware of this time of year. Last year about this time I was on a buddies boat out on Multnomah Channel when a huge swarm started swarming around the antenas on the boat, luckily we locked ourselves in the cabin just in time and we didn't get stung. If we weren't paying attention it would have been a very painful afternoon!
Yes! Just be aware of your surroundings guys! I wouldnt want to see any fisherman get chased out of there hole like i did =/ It really sucks! I didn't mind bees until now! I hate them now!
Just yesterday I was walking a crew through a job site. I stopped to explain what needed to be done when I look over and one guy slaps a bee from another crew member's shirt. I do a quick scan in the air, nothing buzzing about. One guy says to the other, hey you got bees on you.

Sure enough two more going to town stinging his shirt........... Not just bees, but white ground hornets.

Within mere seconds he had the "attack stink" all over him and the hornets went nuts. He was like, five feet away and getting swarmed.

I took a step back and he ran the other direction; hornets in full pursuit, until he reached a snow fence and a 12' drop on the other side.

What did he do?

He ran back and over the nest again, still being stung all the while.

In the end they only tagged him 3 or 4 times but his hand looked like a boxing glove.

I gave him today off...........
Good for you for sharing the tip. All bees/hornets/wasps are always EXTRA AGGRESSIVE, this time of the year.

In fact, a story on the news just this morning showed a man stung 1,200 times...NO almost killed him. He had to spit them out to breathe. They got into his nose and his ears. HOLY SMOKES!!!

Do be careful out there, and stay safe.

BTW, Bald Hornets (and maybe other hornet species) can follow the trajectory path of anything thrown at them. So, it's wise to teach kids to NOT toss anything in their direction. I witnessed that very phenomena some 30 years ago, and it was SCARY! They were coming after our pick up, as we burned rubber. They were smacking the rear window right behind our heads, as we tried to get away!
Worst time of the year! They're ticked that they're dying. I myself am severely allergic and carry an epi-pen. It's not fun to have to use, but it sure beats the alternative to not having one. I should probably tell people I fish with where it's at though in the event that I do get stung, the reaction happens very fast.
Worst time of the year! They're ticked that they're dying. I myself am severely allergic and carry an epi-pen. It's not fun to have to use, but it sure beats the alternative to not having one. I should probably tell people I fish with where it's at though in the event that I do get stung, the reaction happens very fast.

Have you ever thought about seeing an Allergist? They should be able to take care of your allergy with a series of shots.
I have...I have a terrible fear of needles (ridiculous, I know, I stab people with them everyday at work) and everytime I've gone in there to discuss it, I end up havin' an anxiety attack and vomitting and nothing is accomplished lol. Actually the only time I've ever had to use the Epi-pen, I had to have my friend do it, because I couldn't wrap my mind around stabbing myself in the leg with a 16 guage needle, fortunately, he did so without hesitation.
I once dumped over a quart of gasoline down a yellow jacket nest. I then through a lit stick match into the general area. (this was at night) The first thing that happened was a blue flame shot across the loose ground about three feet out then back. This was followed by an eternal flame much like the one at the Kennedy Memorial at Arlington. Attemps to dig out the flaming material with a post hole digger was as useless as shoveling lit napalm. The only solution to stop the enferno was to flood the underground burning nest with water. As it filled up and finally overflowed, there were still a few brief flames burning on top of the water. Although gratifying, it was foolish and dangerous. Needless to say, not One bee flew out of there.:dance:
I have a "save my life needle" in my tackle box:shock:. Im SUPER allergic. I tell every one I fish with where it is and to stick me if I go down. If any of you ever come across me dying I would love a stab in the neck!:pray:
Worst time of the year! They're ticked that they're dying. I myself am severely allergic and carry an epi-pen. It's not fun to have to use, but it sure beats the alternative to not having one. I should probably tell people I fish with where it's at though in the event that I do get stung, the reaction happens very fast.

I used to get bad anxiety when going to the dentist. My dentist used to give me a prescription of valium to take the day of my appointments. Nothing like a couple of beers and a valium before a dentist app. lol
I have a "save my life needle" in my tackle box:shock:. Im SUPER allergic. I tell every one I fish with where it is and to stick me if I go down. If any of you ever come across me dying I would love a stab in the neck!:pray:

I was taught at work to put the Epi-pen in the person's hand and then force their hand to push it into their thigh. It's done this way for liability reasons. It's a sad world when you can get sued for trying to save a person's life.
I have a "save my life needle" in my tackle box:shock:. Im SUPER allergic. I tell every one I fish with where it is and to stick me if I go down. If any of you ever come across me dying I would love a stab in the neck!:pray:

I was taught at work to put the Epi-pen in the person's hand and then force their hand to push it into their thigh. It's done this way for liability reasons. It's a sad world when you can get sued for trying to save a person's life.
I was taught at work to put the Epi-pen in the person's hand and then force their hand to push it into their thigh. It's done this way for liability reasons. It's a sad world when you can get sued for trying to save a person's life.

Yep...this is why they come stock with either a 14 or 16 guage needle, to push through thick clothing material such as denim, and waders... :(
i need to get an Epi-pen.. if i get stung in the neck or face.. I am screwed within 1/2 hour(eyes/nose/mouth swell shut and neck gets bigger around then my head)... anywhere else it just swells up pretty good but nothing i am to worried about....
I was taught at work to put the Epi-pen in the person's hand and then force their hand to push it into their thigh. It's done this way for liability reasons. It's a sad world when you can get sued for trying to save a person's life.
I just figured the neck would get into the blood faster. JK
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