The crick on the morrow?

Troutier Bassier
Active member
Who coming up to the crick up by the hatchery? Ill be there with a spinnin stick. :(:rolleyes::mad:
You, and probably 300 other guys!:lol:
My friend caught his first steelie on a fly. A dark summer fish though. :( He Hooked 4 chromers.

I hooked 0 because I was fishing with a spinning rod. :mad:

Also got the talk by a guy. Reminded me the rules of SSSF.
What the hecks wrong with a spinning rod?
beaverfan said:
What the hecks wrong with a spinning rod?

My thoughts exactly...
Give Flymstr a spinning rod, heck give him a bamboo stick with line made from coconut leaves and he will get more fish than anyone with a fly rod.

It has nothing to do with the spinning rod.
You can cast flies with a spinning rod as well you know
FishSchooler said:
My thoughts exactly...
I can make 40-50 casts with a fly rod the time you can make 10-20 casts with a spinning rod... More casts = More fish.
Plus with a fly rod you are able to fish Pockets more Effectivly. Which is what Eagle Creek mostly is. You can't really fish Pockets the same with a spinning rod.
And with a fly rod you can Drift fish, bobber jig, Bobber bait fish. Same with spinning rod but you make a lot more casts with a fly rod. The more passes you make at a fish the more likely it will strike.
Im not saying anythings wrong with a spinning rod. Ive caught a steelhead there with a spinning rod. But Ive had better results using a spinning rod. I just dident have one availible today. :(
FishSchooler said:
You can cast flies with a spinning rod as well you know
But can you fish pockets the same? No,
Can you feel the same? No.
Can you cast the same? No.
Will you have better luck with a fly rod? Yes.
Proves my point.
Ideceivefish said:
Give Flymstr a spinning rod, heck give him a bamboo stick with line made from coconut leaves and he will get more fish than anyone with a fly rod.

It has nothing to do with the spinning rod.
Doubt that. He can fish with a spinning rod too but he probally wont catch as much fish...
I do agree that there are benefits to a fly rod for sure, otherwise flymstr and all the other rock star fishermen wouldn't be using them and I agree with your statement about hitting the pockets, etc, but I doubt that's why you didn't catch. Somedays it just happens that you don't get into anything. I put a fly right past 4 fish today that I finally could see and they would not strike.

The fish didn't care what kind of rod I had. :lol:
Fly rod

Fly rod

I have to say trout, that I believe I could catch as many with a spinning rod, but it would be tougher, and I would have to fish a lot different. I can use any kind of rod, just like I do when guideing. It is harder on this creek, but you just have position yourself differently, and change where you cast, so the mono can work for you, and not against you. It still all comes down to time on the creek.. Though. The talk you got today, was probably meant to help you out more than anything. I know for sure that the intention was only meant to protect you guys from someone who may not be so well tempered. Have a good one tomorrow.

Um... how does rod type affect pocket fishing?

I have never heard of anyone bobber fishing with a fly rod. If you have a 1 oz float, you will need close to a 1 oz weight to have the fish not feel much resistance.
And if fly rods were 10000x better than a spinning, why doesn't everyone just use a fly rod?

Spinning rods are much more versatile than fly rods... fo sho.

More casts does not equal more fish. More casts in the right place=fish.

FishSchooler said:
Um... how does rod type affect pocket fishing?

I have never heard of anyone bobber fishing with a fly rod. If you have a 1 oz float, you will need close to a 1 oz weight to have the fish not feel much resistance.
And if fly rods were 10000x better than a spinning, why doesn't everyone just use a fly rod?

Spinning rods are much more versatile than fly rods... fo sho.

More casts does not equal more fish. More casts in the right place=fish.


I dont think he means bobber fishing with a 1oz bobber? I mean who uses a 1oz bobber anyways unless its for chinook. Im guessing he means small, Which you could definently use. And if you know how to wield a fly rod good in a small creek. It can have its advantages by putting it in more small places and having your hook right where you want it. But this is only if you know what your doing to make the advantage work. And people who know how to use a spinning rod well can also have a great advantage. Its pretty much just whatever you know how to fish with, Cause you can do similar damage with both. You just gotta have the knollege;)
FishSchooler said:
Um... how does rod type affect pocket fishing?

I have never heard of anyone bobber fishing with a fly rod. If you have a 1 oz float, you will need close to a 1 oz weight to have the fish not feel much resistance.
And if fly rods were 10000x better than a spinning, why doesn't everyone just use a fly rod?

Spinning rods are much more versatile than fly rods... fo sho.

More casts does not equal more fish. More casts in the right place=fish.

I do believe the boy meant an indicator on a fly rod, a float on a float rod, and little red and white bobber when your under the age of twelve. But I guess you all do call it bobber and jig. I guess I do to, so whatever!!:D:lol:
FishSchooler said:
Um... how does rod type affect pocket fishing?

I have never heard of anyone bobber fishing with a fly rod. If you have a 1 oz float, you will need close to a 1 oz weight to have the fish not feel much resistance.
And if fly rods were 10000x better than a spinning, why doesn't everyone just use a fly rod?

Spinning rods are much more versatile than fly rods... fo sho.

More casts does not equal more fish. More casts in the right place=fish.


I have used my flyrod with a reel full of braid and bobber fished jigs.. used to do it all the time... its just another fishing pole, thats it, I can shoot a gun with a scope, iron sight, or no sights, I can drive my wrangler tj without using the clutch, I can hit a baseball with a broomstick.... what says you can't or should't do anything with anything.... closed mindedness is the number one reason most people don't catch more fish.... and time and knowledge equal fish.... and sitting here arguing on the old porn machine won't catch any fish. you two sure have the talking part down, good listeners


halibuthitman said:
I have used my flyrod with a reel full of braid and bobber fished jigs.. used to do it all the time... its just another fishing pole, thats it, I can shoot a gun with a scope, iron sight, or no sights, I can drive my wrangler tj without using the clutch, I can hit a baseball with a broomstick.... what says you can't or should't do anything with anything.... closed mindedness is the number one reason most people don't catch more fish.... and time and knowledge equal fish.... and sitting here arguing on the old porn machine won't catch any fish. you two sure have the talking part down, good listeners

It's dark, I can't be out fishing. If I could I would. So all I can do is argue.:confused: It's either that or argue with the wife.:naughty: At least on here, I can convince my self I won the argument even when I didn't.:D

oh, im just being the devils advocate;) I like givin those two kids a ribbing, they both have very brite futers as fishermen... but sometimes... the arguing:rolleyes:


halibuthitman said:
oh, im just being the devils advocate;) I like givin those two kids a ribbing, they both have very brite futers as fishermen... but sometimes... the arguing:rolleyes:

Oh I knew that, but like I said, I wanted to argue with someone. LOL See ya bro. Let me know????? You know???? E-mail.:pray::cool::D
wel I don't know I will have to test my skills tomorrow... should I go to eagle fern or the hatchery? please tell... I have not fished in four months have not caught afish in 7... :(

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