Stopped by Cedar Creek, first time. Nice place but....

Physically a beautiful hole, good holding water. I had never been before, even though I live out here. I had always thought of it as sure place for shoulder rubbing, and it was. I had no luck as I arrived too late to fit in the line, but I saw about 6 fish caught and about 6 others already on the bank.

I couldn't get over the garbage! It was nasty, shoes, old chair pieces, snarls of line bigger than Cher's fro.....I hate it when I find places like that in my back yard!!! Same thing that got good spots on the Clack closed down.
That's why I go elsewhere even though I know I am missing out on fish I rather go to holes that have solitude and alittle less fish then go there..
Yeah, I usually park on a friends property and hike a couple holes. I just wanted to check it out. I just haven't caught steelheads before (I usually ski in the winter) and wanted to bring one in. I may go back someday when the river is high and crowds low.
I know what u mean scowboy three rivers hatchery hole is the same way beutiful piece of water but the trash is just beyond me.
You think it's bad now you should see it in Coho season. From what I've heard it's WAY worse. There are quite a few holes that can be accessed from the Cedar Creek hatchery and not all of them get fished super heavy. You just gotta find em and be willing to hike.
What bugs me, and not to offend "falt landers" is that I live out here. The Sandy and the Clack are my backyard. My turf, and it keeps getting junked up. I know country folks are slobs too but if I am in PDX and litter some tree hugging earth muffin glares, intervenes or scolds me for it. But they treat my yard like a trash bin.

When I was younger we used to leave our beer cans AND bottles on the bank when we would party, but the bum who camped out there all summer would pick em up for recycling. A beautiful symbiotic relationship. He'd also make a fire to burn any incidental trash left behind and give a hard time to anyone littering. From all my recollection he never robbed, raped, beat, molested or harmed anyone. Once the county banned him, enforceed their laws he was no more. Then the garbage and cans piled up and presto! the county closes the river spots for littering and public endangerment. Why can't ODFW/State and County/ City officials step in on these places and make an effort to keep them open? Where the hell is a SOLV rep during the seasons? It takes a HUGE squad of people to pick up trash but only one to hang out and moniter use......
Hmmm sounds like we need to find a homeless guy and get it him to move in down there? There is a group on here, man I can't think of they're name. I think it's wilderness something? They go around and clean up fishing holes, trails, and just anywhere outdoors that needs a quick pick me up. I will do some searching for there thread and links. And as far as your question about ODFW/state and counties step in to keep places open. Why would they? They certainly don't need to be blowing what little money they have to keep a fishing hole open so a few hundred people can fish, when the fisherman are the ones trashing it. This whole littering thing has been going on for years and unfortunately it isn't going to stop anytime soon. The problem is like 1/4 (maybe more) of the people in this world just don't give a crap! They expect the rest of us to clean up after them. I always pick up stray line and pack out what garbage I can and I'm proud to say my friends do too! I'll tell ya one thing I almost never have to buy, corkies, swivels and other terminal hardware.
Project wilderness. Get in toch with him he'll take care of it.
Sandy Steelheaders do clean up as well..
its not odfws job to babysit people..people should have the conscience to be cleaner..we need to heold each other accountable.

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