Steelhead below Faraday?

because it pisses me off when people say "nope no fish dry hole blah blah blah etc. etc." when it is totally bogus. Thats the type of bs that goes on over ther at ifish.

He obviously knows that it is late summer and the clack has a huge summer run and late summer means high river fish.

no need to give the guy a false report.

If your trying to protect your hole just dont talk about it

It was a joke my good man don't get so up tight there. If you read around a little bit you would see the threads that I posted about the fish I have been getting out of there and the threads trying to get groups together to go there so the last thing I am or ever would do is try to (protect) a hole bud.
River is for every one and so are the fishies in it.
We all are here for the same reason and thats for the fun of fishing and making friends, so with that being said I hope some day we might meet up and hit some fishies together. Good luck and tight lines. :)
P.S. I haven't been on here for a few months and would also like to give a late welcome to our little forum to you and all the other new people we have on here now. Nice to see the site growing this much, has gotten pretty large number of people now.
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It was a joke my good man don't get so up tight there. If you read around a little bit you would see the threads that I posted about the fish I have been getting out of there and the threads trying to get groups together to go there so the last thing I am or ever would do is try to (protect) a hole bud.
River is for every one and so are the fishies in it.
We all are here for the same reason and thats for the fun of fishing and making friends, so with that being said I hope some day we might meet up and hit some fishies together. Good luck and tight lines. :)
P.S. I haven't been on here for a few months and would also like to give a late welcome to our little forum to you and all the other new people we have on here now. Nice to see the site growing this much, has gotten pretty large number of people now.

Sorry dude:D my bad

sarcasm is tough to read on here unless you throw an emoticon in there.

plus I was in a bit of a crappy mood when I posted that....just found out the estimate to fix my truck was a very bad 1/4 of the end cost.
Sorry dude:D my bad

sarcasm is tough to read on here unless you throw an emoticon in there.

plus I was in a bit of a crappy mood when I posted that....just found out the estimate to fix my truck was a very bad 1/4 of the end cost.

Yeah it can be hard to tell if someone is joking or not I had thought I did put a smilly face in there but I didn't. It's all good though hope to see ya on the water sometime.
Sorry to hear about the truck fixing price that sucks, it seems like it always ends up costing more then what the first cost is thought to be.
well for today theres no more cuz i think i got all that was in the hole.. hahahaa.. sorry peps juat had to brag.. damn i had a good day!:D
first off there is a hatchery here and there at casadero

Since when is there a hatchery at cazadero. They sort fish there but the only hatchery is at mciver. The upper clack above cazadero has no hatchery and few if any clipped fish ever get past there.
Since when is there a hatchery at cazadero. They sort fish there but the only hatchery is at mciver. The upper clack above cazadero has no hatchery and few if any clipped fish ever get past there.

How far up is cazadero? I'm not to sure where that is.
There's cazadero powerhouse below faraday, and then there's cazadero diversion dam just upriver from faraday( I think it's actually called faraday dam). They sort fish at the dam holding pens and only let the nates go on from there.
If they put 'em down further more folks get a chance to catch them. They are more interested in getting their eggs back than creating opportunity for anglers.
atleast it's better than them having the fish in tanks for months until the "ripen"
theyve been dumpin them in a lot of lakes.. all the popular lakes too.. ive seen a lot last year takin my dad and friends trout fishing.. thought they were brutes but a ranger told me they were steelie recycled and dropped off for fishers...
They drop them just about everywhere. They even put them in the Junction City ponds. They take a couple to the smaller ponds and lakes around here in Salem too.
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