Where do they go?

New member
Where do all of the steelhead that go up the Bonneville Dam go? I fish the Hood River but the fish are few and far between. I am trying to figure out where they go so I could conceivably catch some. I know that the Wind, Little While Salmon, White Salmon and Klickitat don't get them. The Hood barely gets any, so where do they go? Any help would be appreciated.
gpopeofpgh said:
I know that the Wind, Little While Salmon, White Salmon and Klickitat don't get them.
Think again.

Along with the rivers you listed, most of the major Columbia and Snake tributaries have runs of steelhead.

John Day, Yakima, Grande Ronde, Deschutes, Wenatchee, Clearwater, etc....
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I actually realized that I spoke wrong about the Wind and White Salmon as far as hatchery fish were concerned. I know many other rivers have wild runs but I guess I was wondering where all of the hatchery fish go. The Hood has not stocked any hatchery fish since 2021 so there are very few coming back anymore. I have caught 6 steelhead since moving to Hood River 1/1/23 and every one of them was wild.
You didn't say hatchery, that's a whole different ballgame. Try this.

Columbia River​

RegionBasinRelease Location NameWinterSummer
Central Columbia RiverKlickitat R.KLICKITAT R 30.0002 90,883
Central Columbia RiverWind R., White Salmon R.ROCK CR 29.013320,018
Lower Columbia RiverCowlitz R.BLUE CR 26.0527639,618661,289
Lower Columbia RiverCowlitz R.TOUTLE R-SF 26.0248 20,451
Lower Columbia RiverGrays R., Elokomin R.BEAVER CR RELEASES 25.136,31229,693
Lower Columbia RiverLewis R., Kalama R.KALAMA R 27.000291,973
Lower Columbia RiverLewis R., Kalama R.FALLERT CR 27.001747,49194,208
Lower Columbia RiverLewis R., Kalama R.LEWIS R -NF 27.0168166,502239,291
Lower Columbia RiverSalmon R., Washougal R.SALMON CR 28.005939,588
Lower Columbia RiverSalmon R., Washougal R.WASHOUGAL-NF 28.020085,52670,851
Snake RiverGrande Ronde R., Asotin Cr.COTTONWOOD CR POND 136,582
Snake RiverLower Snake R.CURL LK ACCLIMA. PD 52,439
Snake RiverLower Snake R.TUCANNON R @ MARENGO 39,109
Snake RiverLower Snake R.LYONS FERRY REL.SITE 247,770
Upper Columbia RiverMcNary Dam to Priest RapidsSPRINGS CR 36.0114 145,156
Upper Columbia RiverMcNary Dam to Priest RapidsTOUCHET R 32.0097 53,924
Upper Columbia RiverMethow R., Okanogan R.AENEAS CR 49.0243 5,000
Upper Columbia RiverMethow R., Okanogan R.METHOW R 48.0002 304,135
Upper Columbia RiverMethow R., Okanogan R.SIMILKAMEEN R 49.0325 77,157
Upper Columbia RiverMethow R., Okanogan R.OMAK CR 49.0138 24,822
Upper Columbia RiverMethow R., Okanogan R.SALMON CR 49.0079 39,897
Upper Columbia RiverMethow R, Okanogan RTWISP R 48.0374 70,903
Upper Columbia RiverPriest Rapids to Grand CouleeANTOINE CREEK 12,640
Upper Columbia RiverPriest Rapids to Grand CouleeCOLUMBIA NEAR WELLS 173,060
Upper Columbia RWenatchee RCHIWAWA R 45.0759 76,604
Upper Columbia RWenatchee RNASON CR 45.0888 277,383
Upper Columbia RWenatchee RWENATCHEE R 45.0030 135,861
Columbia River Total 1,227,0283,079,108
Thank you!
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