Steelhead below Faraday?

its ok most of the hatchary fish stack up at dog creek from what i was told..... but the native fish want to keep going way up to spawn.... there has to be a few clipped fish up there but dont know how many....
Thanks dude,
I will definetly keep my eyes open. It really urrks me to see people doing that after us honest fisherman spend years learning how to:mad:well you know what I mean I could go on for hours. Thanks for the tip
I caught a few trout there yesterday seen a few really dark ones jumping. thats all I know I would save your gas.

because it pee-pee's me off when people say "nope no fish dry hole blah blah blah etc. etc." when it is totally bogus. Thats the type of bs that goes on over ther at ifish.

He obviously knows that it is late summer and the clack has a huge summer run and late summer means high river fish.

no need to give the guy a false report.

If your trying to protect your hole just dont talk about it
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The actual upper clack does not have any hatcheries so very few if any clipped fish actually go high up the clack. There are nates that go up all those creeks and rivers up high but you really shouldn't target them.
well i was just wondering because if they dont normaly head way up the clack why would they go up to faraday?? just miss dog creek? dont they want to go up that creek to the hatchary? if so why wouldnt they stack up bellow it waiting for more water to go up it?
fish will not chill forever, and they can't all spawn next to each other. So they seek out spawning ground, often times up river.
you guys do realise that the clackamas does not have a great summer run in comparison to previous years, right?
Also if you guys knew Bigdog you would know he said that as a joke with a smile, no need to freak out.

There are probably some fish up there, however there are most likely a whole bunch more down at mciver by dog creek.

There are still fish throughout the entire lower river too, and coho at the mouth waiting for rain. there are just so f'in many rafters that you only get the first couple hours of daylight to hit it.
you guys do realise that the clackamas does not have a great summer run in comparison to previous years, right?
Also if you guys knew Bigdog you would know he said that as a joke with a smile, no need to freak out.

There are probably some fish up there, however there are most likely a whole bunch more down at mciver by dog creek.

There are still fish throughout the entire lower river too, and coho at the mouth waiting for rain. there are just so f'in many rafters that you only get the first couple hours of daylight to hit it.

Yeah a lot of people floating the river. Even today I saw a few people floating.. I did manage to hook up on corkie and yarn but only long enough to say fish on.
first off there is a hatchery here and there at casadero, second... i want to take my toon down the clack and was wondering if anybody would be up for a float from feldinhimer to either barton or carver? i have a jeep cherokee so my rig would need to be parked up high so my companion (hopefuly with a truck) could park low so we wouldnt need to ditch toons at park. i guess could break one down and put one on top. mine tears down quickly. pm me if any interested...
There is plenty of clipped fish up high. I have only hooked one nat ever bellow farraday. In fact got another cliped one to day, lost two kept one. Just have to know where to look and put the time in on the watter. I know I know how much time do I need to put in, well a lot or could be a little. I know that don't help to much but there is no way of telling how much time it is going to take. Just don't give up and learn the waters you are fishing.
There is plenty of clipped fish up high. I have only hooked one nat ever bellow farraday. In fact got another cliped one to day, lost two kept one. Just have to know where to look and put the time in on the watter. I know I know how much time do I need to put in, well a lot or could be a little. I know that don't help to much but there is no way of telling how much time it is going to take. Just don't give up and learn the waters you are fishing.

Oh by the way man it was nice to meet you. So you got a fish afterall!!! Nice any pics?
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