St. Louis catfish help

I've been to St. Louis Ponds a few times this year for bass and bluegill, but now I want to try for catfish. I've never really fished for catfish before, although I've read up on it and believe I have the basic gist of it, at least for tackle and bait.

I know there are bullhead and channel cats in St. Louis, but I was wondering if anyone could offer any information about which ponds they are in, or what spots they are generally found, etc. I know they stock different fish in different ponds, but I haven't been able to find anyone who knows which ones have catfish. Any info would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
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I had good luck in pond 6 when i was floating crawlers with a marshmallow, i saw the marshmallow floating at the top so i knew my crawler was on bottom, wound up with 4 very lackluster channel cats on crawlers, none worth keeping
Originally i had a mallow jammed on the hook above the crawler and it passed over the hook and slid up the line, this wasn't anything i did deliberately, after that cast i went with just crawlers, i use marshmallow just to keep the hook off the snags
Im gonna be moving near there soon so in a month after a fished it a while i'll try to figure out the best spots for you. Hopefully i dont forget!

Thanks. I saw someone pull a few small ones out of pond 2, at the very end of it right near the St. Louis Ponds main parking area. I think they were just using worms. Like Outdoor_Myers was saying, I'd probably have better luck with chicken livers, I've heard before that that usually works well. I still haven't done a whole lot of fishing for catfish, but I'm going to do it a bit more this year I think. I do fish quite a bit but I normally go for trout and then the other fish I mentioned in my original post. So, thank you guys for the advice, I appreciate it and I'm sure it will help.
on the Clack where it dumps into the Williamette you can catch lots of suckers. Bait those into cut bait and use that as your catfish mainstay bait. It works and stays on the hook. Pieces about the size of your little finger are just about right.
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