Springer's and summer's - what's the word?

Are they around yet? The Willamette Falls counts look good and I was wondering if I would find anything this weekend. Lebanon area?

Any word?
The only way you'll know if you'd find anything this weekend is if you get out there and try it. It is still early though.
I was hoping to get a report so that I would not waste my time and gas to travel a 100 miles round trip for not.
I doubt that too many people on here have been out fishing for them in that area yet. Us Portlanders are just now starting to target them heavily. There should be a few fish in the area though, good luck if you go!
IMO.. I'm sure a few will disagree.. they need to raise the water on the South Santiam at least above summer flows.. it's screwing up the early return that usually stacks at the deadline and waits for me to catch them. :D
I like when the water is a bit high and off color.. makes it so much easier to catch them. It's like they have beer goggles on and will bite anything. Right now the water is at the same height as mid-summer.
Mike123 said:
IMO.. I'm sure a few will disagree.. they need to raise the water on the South Santiam at least above summer flows.. it's screwing up the early return that usually stacks at the deadline and waits for me to catch them. :D
I like when the water is a bit high and off color.. makes it so much easier to catch them. It's like they have beer goggles on and will bite anything. Right now the water is at the same height as mid-summer.

Get use to it. Its gunna be a low water year guys! Not enough snow pack to melt off.
I heard !! hasn,t everone , that there is a few near the dam , but to be sure you can call 541-367-3437 ext #1. Had a good time at Waterloo Park last year , good luck
Orgwayne said:
I heard !! hasn,t everone , that there is a few near the dam , but to be sure you can call 541-367-3437 ext #1. Had a good time at Waterloo Park last year , good luck
that number is the hatchery
SantiamDrifter said:
Get use to it. Its gunna be a low water year guys! Not enough snow pack to melt off.

Welp I think this has all changed! With all this snow and rain were getting, I think the lakes will have a decent amount of water. I heard Green Peter rose 2.5ft in one day! The South Santiam went WAY up... now it's dropping. Now if the rain would just stop for at least a day that I have off. haha
Ya I think the reservoirs are gonna be just fine! Many areas in the cascades have 3 feet of snow since Sunday night and are expected to get 1-3 more feet today, tonight, and tomorrow.
A couple days of rain and snow isn't gunna make a big impact for the whole summer. What the damns are gunna have to do is, make sure they do get filled just incase there is a shortage of water in the summer. Which most likey will happen. What that means is they wont be spilling out as much water into the rivers early in the season becuz once the snowmelt is gone, theres no other way to fill up the lakes. So they need to save as much water as possible. Then once they fill the lakes they can spill as much water per day as they get in snow melt and rain.

All in all the lakes will probably fill up. But they just wont be spilling as much water over the year. Becuz of the low snow pack. Once the snow pack is melted there's really no fresh water to re-fill the lakes. The rain in the summer just wont be enough.

FYI: I hoping im dead wrong tho.
A couple days of rain and snow can and do make a huge difference. Not so much the rain but the snow does! Ski Bowl barely had enough snow to operate less than a month ago. Now they have 140 inches. It doesn't matter when the snow falls as long as it falls.

Conditions | Mount Hood Meadows Ski Resort
What I was tryin to say is, that 140 inches of snow is gunna be used to fill up all the lakes and res's. They have to make sure that they can fill them up before they start dumping water over. So early in the season they wont be dumping as much water over in order to make sure they fill the lakes first. Once they fill up the lakes and res's then they can start spilling water over just as fast as they recieve it (in snowmelt and rain). But once the snowmelt is gone, there will be nothing coming in, so they will have to cut back on whats going out. Making the rivers low. Its way warmer then most years meaning the snowpack will melt faster. It wont be a slow progress that last a couple months. Once its gone, its gone. We wont have enough summer rain to withstand the needs at Detriot. And actually as of today ski bowl only has 64 inches, timberline has 160. But still 160 inches of snow is well below half the average of 300 to 500 inches per year.
We got plenty of snow pack now. There's no sign of end of it to come. What did we have more last year or something?
I don't think so?
Mike123 said:
We got plenty of snow pack now. There's no sign of end of it to come. What did we have more last year or something?
I don't think so?

haha. umm were 73 inches of snowpack short of where we were on this date last year at mt. hood. Were 35 inches of rain short from last year and 49 from 2008.

On the santiam pass we have 12 inches of snowpack. 34 inches short from last year.

Last year the snowpack on Mt. hood melted 23 inches from april to may, and 48 inches from may to june. Im pretty sure where not gunna see much of a build up.

Its not gunna be as bad as 2005. But were in for a low water year.
Really, 140 inches a couple hundred feet above Govt. Camp is 70 inches short of last year? That would be nearly 20ft of snow at 5,000 feet is what we had last year.

Where on Mt. Hood are you getting your measurements from? All the ones I'm seeing look to be right around normal for snow pack?

Also just so your aware, the locations outside of the ski resorts only get checked a few times each winter so any snow totals you are reading if not at a ski place were likely taken before they got like 50 inches this last week.
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beaverfan said:
Really, 140 inches a couple hundred feet above Govt. Camp is 70 inches short of last year? That would be nearly 20ft of snow at 5,000 feet is what we had last year.

Where on Mt. Hood are you getting your measurements from? All the ones I'm seeing look to be right around normal for snow pack?

Also just so your aware, the locations outside of the ski resorts only get checked a few times each winter so any snow totals you are reading if not at a ski place were likely taken before they got like 50 inches this last week.

USDA's Oregon Snow Survey Program


SWE = Snow Water Equivalent, Precip = Precipitation


SWE = Snow Water Equivalent, Precip = Precipitation

"In the high Cascades, where the State’s heaviest snowfalls occur, there are few official observing stations. Considerable reliance must be placed on measurements obtained on various snow courses. It appears that annual average totals can range from 300 to 550 inches."
Guarantee somethings wrong with there numbers for Mt. Hood. They got that much snow last week alone. The average total snowfall is 500-600 inches a year TOTAL not SNOW PACK or BASE. The average BASE at Timberline is 175-200 inches. Right now Timberlines base is 163 inches, pretty close to average if you ask me.

Mount Hood Facts

Elevation Mt. Hood – 11,245 feet (U.S. Geological Survey Office, Vancouver, Wash.)
Facts Base spreads over 92 miles; highest mountain in Oregon and fourth highest in the Cascade Mountain range; Indian name – “Wy’East”; dormant volcano
Average Snowfall Average base is 175-200 inches per season measured from Timberline’s opening date until end of winter season in April. Average snowfall is 500-600" per year.
Ski Areas Timberline Ski Area, Mt. Hood Skibowl, Summit Ski Area and Mt. Hood Meadows

Conditions | Timberline Lodge
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what do you think, I drew those graphs?

The snow depth (or base) at Mt. Hoods Test site is 121 inches. Last year on this date is was 194 inches. Its the same across the board. I dont know why you think its wrong. This info is coming from United States department of agriculture. Not onthesnow.com. Do you honestly think we have the same snow fall and precipation we did last year?
i dont know about those graphs, but green peter is almost full, and detroit has went up almost 15 ft in 4 days. And thats not counting all the snow sitting up in the hills right now. I think the rivers and lakes will be just fine, Brian
SantiamDrifter said:
what do you think, I drew those graphs?

The snow depth (or base) at Mt. Hoods Test site is 121 inches. Last year on this date is was 194 inches. Its the same across the board. I dont know why you think its wrong. This info is coming from United States department of agriculture. Not onthesnow.com. Do you honestly think we have the same snow fall and precipation we did last year?

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