South Jetty in Tillamook

After looking on google maps I can't seem to see a place to park near the south Jetty. Do you have to walk in? Or is it one of those park anywhere kinda deals? Thank you in advance.
Yup, it's a bit of a hike, almost 4 miles down what the maps show to be Bayocean Dike Rd. Hopefully this link works, it should be centered on the parking lot, Google Maps - Bayocean Dike Rd. Parking

When I did that hike a couple of years ago it looked like there were camp sights out towards the end of the hike, near-ish Crab Harbor.
going to be nasty weather down there
Thank you for the map, I missed that lot.

Guidem, I am planning for next year. I looked and looked and couldn't find it. It drives me crazy when I can't find something, and figured I would ask.

Thank you both for your help

ShdwmnkyX said:
Thank you for the map, I missed that lot.

Guidem, I am planning for next year. I looked and looked and couldn't find it. It drives me crazy when I can't find something, and figured I would ask.

Thank you both for your help


I went camping on the spit with a few friends last summer and loved it. It's a pretty long hike on foot and goes much faster by bike. Most of the road is hard packed dirt and gravel, although you'll find some loose sharp rocks and dunes at a few spots. My little city bike managed to do it without getting a flat, but was wishing the whole time that I had wider tires :)

There are several undeveloped camping sites and a sheltered latrine near crab harbor. You can also find drift wood shanties on the northwest side of the spit, which I can only assume were built by nomadic beach hippies. Although I found a stagnate pond, I left behind my backpacking filter and so I'm not sure if it's too salty to filter.

When it warms up again, I might try a similar camping trip by kayak.

Good luck,
Tillamook Jetty Rocks!

Tillamook Jetty Rocks!

Tillamook Jetty is going to be rocked!!!!
The Tillamook Jetty is going to be the place to be once the Army Corp starts the reconstruction. All of those fish are going to be spooked and on the move. Top that off with all of the 'free floating food' kicked up by the work, a lot of fish will be coming in from off shore to feed on the free meals (both of mussels, worms, clams, crabs and small fish) stirred up. Nothing better than a good heavy sea-going chum line to bring in the big fish.

I already figured to be on the beach to the North during the construction stage. I fished the Columbia South Jetty and caught quite a few off of the beach during that work. Tillamook will be better as the work is all much closer to the beach. The plan sounds like the North Jetty first, followed by the South Jetty reconstruction. If they pull the dredge through as well, it should really bring in some big concentrations of fish for awhile. If you make it, I will probably be down there a few times, weather permitting.
When is this work starting and what exactly are they doing to the jetty. I want to be down there for some sweet fishing also.
skunk said:
When is this work starting and what exactly are they doing to the jetty. I want to be down there for some sweet fishing also.

Rocks are rolling down the highway now and being staged in Barview area, so I assume we will be hearing something soon. From my understanding, they are planning to add rock back to the ends of the Jetty and rebuild it back to what it is intended to be. I would assume that would include some dredge work as well, but I am still uncertain as to when. Maybe we could get some input from some of the locals on it? I will give my contact over at Army Corp a call on Monday, maybe he will be able to give me an update.

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