Snagging fish at JC pond

grampa ron
IT SEEMS THAT SOME PEOPLE JUST CAN'T HELP THEM SELVES! If I see anyone deliberately snagging and keeping fish at the JC Pond I will attempt to turn them in. I will get descriptions and license plate numbers and turn them over to the OSP. I don 't care who thinks I am an *******. I am sick of the people who are taking advantage of the fish that are near comatose in the cold water. I know of two guys that snagged two limits of fish and took them home and then came back for two two more limits. This really pisses me off. IF YOU ARE ANY OF THE ABOVE? BEWARE!!!!
Wow thats crazy. Are they taking the little ones?
People snag all the time at salish. I dont know why because whenever I throw a spinner or worm in ones face it attacks it. I have accidentaly foul hooked a few by doing this but they were all let go. (Or had my line cut with a $3 bluefox at the end of it)
Are the trout that thick in there to snag them??!?!

How big are the ones that are getting snagged?

If they are old spawner brood trout who cares... They'll probably never bite and end up dying anyways... and who wants to eat one of them anyway. :think:
Brooders. The old stuptarded ones that swim with there backs out of the water 2 feet from shore. sometimes you can see the nice chrome ones and throw something infront of them.
that is stupid i agree with troutier bassier
Wow can't believe what some people will do for mushy pellet heads and big nasty brooders. If you going to do something illegal like snagging at least make it worth it so you go out in style when you get caught at the salmon racks.
ridiculous and for what? I have fun catching brooders but not for food.. fun to try and land one on ultra light gear and 4lb test.. then give away to family that eats trout..

I caught one on powerbait christmas eve at huddleston pond was fun as hell and gave it to my buddy cause his family eat those and make head soup and everything .. cracks me up

snaggers should be reported what a bunch of morons
I could see it being fun (not snagging) i have my own very deep feelings towards pellet heads and brooders especially brooders. But to each there own.
Pellet heads I like that.. They serve a purpose in fishing community.. Good fish to get family friends and kids into some fish fast and easy.. Got my son hooked on fishing by fishing for pellet heads, he now fishes with me every trip!
Thats what there meant for. The one I caught today had RED Meat though,
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solution7 said:
Pellet heads I like that.. They serve a purpose in fishing community.. Good fish to get family friends and kids into some fish fast and easy.. Got my son hooked on fishing by fishing for pellet heads, he now fishes with me every trip!

See thats the true meaning of pellet head. Can't wait to show a kid a pellet head.
Troutier Bassier said:
Thats what there meant for. The one I caught today had RED Meat.

I bet you ate it too.
So what if I did? What do you care about it?
MMMMM I just ate teryaki/brown sugar steelhead that has been marinating for 4 days. UUGGG you just ate a fish that was fed pellets for 5 years and forced to spawn then dumped in a pond to die or provide entertainment for kids handicapped and elderly. Do you see even a slight difference? Not bragging about having steelhead jsut using it for a comparison. I thought your dad taught you how to fish for the good eats? And If you want to eat a brooder go ahead I wouldn't recomend it but go ahead. Just try to leave some for the inexperianced little fisher or the guy with one leg or the elderly who can barely get down the sidewalk to the pond. I don't know maybe you like to eat soreheads as well who knows some people will eat just about anything but again to each his own.

Back on topic I would report the bastards snagging at JC pond and point and laugh as the cops show up. Or even try to snag them.
Thuggin4Life said:
See thats the true meaning of pellet head. Can't wait to show a kid a pellet head.

pretentious aren't we
Hey Andy, I think you may be under estimating the 'Brood Trout' and getting it confused with something else. From what I understand, a 'Brood Trout' is a rainbow trout that is raised to collect eggs for hatcherys then released in local lakes for people to catch. ODFW calls them 'Trophy Trout'. One example are the trophy trout ODF releases in Harriet Lake located in the Oak Grove Fork of the Clackamas. These fish range from 17 to 20 inches and are great fighters. If you think they taste like a$$ you are mistaken. They have beautilful pink colored meat and taste ten times better than the 20" rainbows I got from a private pond. A friend told me that he ate a brown trout caught in the spring and it had great taste but one caught in late summer tasted like.......well...bad!
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I caught one today and the guy next to me caught one and they were both shooting eggs.
Troutier Bassier said:
I caught one today and the guy next to me caught one and they were both shooting eggs.
pics? what do these trout look like... super dark?
I have a NON-Digital Minolta Maxxum. Have to do some crap with pics before I get them on the comp.

Football Trout. Super dark with some white spots. to me there a waste.

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