Siuslaw status 1-15-10

Hit the 'slaw today.

High, muddy, fast.

I poked around at the upper end (Whittaker to Linslaw) and it was high and muddy... I figured that it would just get higher and muddier the further down that I went (especially with the rain that was goin' on and moving in from the west).

AND it ate my favorite jig on it's third cast of the day.:(
Hate losing gear. That's why I tie my own now, it hurts less lol.

I wish I had been on lake creek today.

I'd of settled for the muddy slaw though. Anything other than being at work.
Hit the 'slaw today.

High, muddy, fast.

I poked around at the upper end (Whittaker to Linslaw) and it was high and muddy... I figured that it would just get higher and muddier the further down that I went (especially with the rain that was goin' on and moving in from the west).

AND it ate my favorite jig on it's third cast of the day.:(

It was but the fish were still active. I went 1-2 on hot shots with my bro, we just focused on the tailouts that were slow enough for me to row without dying.
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