Siuslaw coho

The Slaw will be open to the retention of wild fish this year. Any recommendations on gear and technique? We used to troll "Buds Steelhead" spinners many years ago but quit fishing it went they changed it to fin clipped only.
If it worked then, it'll work now. Those fish are crazy and will hit anything that moves, not even kidding. But to trim down gear, coho notoriously like red, orange and pink, so 50/50 blades will be good, large blue fox spinners, herring, anchovies, rogue river rig, ORANGE brads wigglers, ORANGE mag wigglers, bud spinners, silver, brass... i really like the idea of the action and color of orange wigglers for coho. I watched a boat last year straight across from the ramp in Florence slowly motor around near shore marking fish and pitching spinner to them, I seen them hook 6 fish in less than a half hour doing that until a seal showed up and they left.
RunWithSasquatch said:
r straight across from the ramp in Florence slowly motor around near shore marking fish and pitching spinner to them, I seen them hook 6 fish in less than a half hour doing that until a seal showed up and they left.

Yeah they were catching a lot of fish last year but as soon as you would release them they were seal food. SAD
i usually catch plenty of cohos on cut plug herring but I wouldnt be afraid to pull a flasher and hoochie in the bay they tend to flush in and out with the tide early on in the season so they are used to hitting that out in the ocean
Went below 101 near the coast guard station and started trolling the incoming last year with big "chinook" spinners, in less then 5 mins we had each hooked coho(4 of us on the boat) the first one was a hatchery fish....we counted our blessings and ran up to the barge hole and got 5 nooks on's almost time. Getting new impeller for the kicker tomorrow....I'm ready
Very cool. I am pumped. Come on Sept 15.
Coho Fishing on Coastal rivers in Oregon

Coho Fishing on Coastal rivers in Oregon

Hi Mike ! There has not been a final decision yet on the Coho Salmon season yet. We are waiting for final approval of NOAA. Our STEP group in Florence and myself have been working for several years to get it passed. It is likely it will be passed but you never know with the government. I hope it gets passed. I have North Country Lures and Flies. Oregon Rod and Reel,Mazama,Winchester Market, The Sportsman,Brigdeport Market,Randys River View are just a few places you can get our lures. If anybody has any questions about the regulations or what to use on the rivers I would be glad to talk with them. By the way the top color choices last year that were used were: Pink,Orange,Purple and Black Glitter. The Hooch-n-Bell,Strike Master,Super Hoochie are some of the most productive lures to use for Salmon. Good Luck everybody we are going to have a great salmon season.
Salmon Whammy :D :)
Dean Hendricks
I can't convince myself to Target them on purpose and loose spots for the lakes when nooking dies down and headin hasn't started. I will say that those fish will hit just about everything you could think of. We boated 14 lost 4 leaders and burned through 3 flats of herring c and r ing coho on the slaw with similar results for my buddies boat. there are sopme great northcountry lures that just say coho all over them(in invisable ink)that i might tie on in saltwter this season. I will just stick to nooks and if I get a worthy Ho it will get taged.
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Thuggin4Life said:
I can't convince myself to Target them on purpose

yeah i hear you I have never targeted them and I personally believe its poor ethics to fish over fish that you can't keep, as was the rules in seasons past, I wold see people purposely targeting them i felt nothing but disgust those fish arent hearty fish most will die when released so why kill them.

if I hook any I will take my fish but I will not target them my fishing and hunting ethics just wouldnt let me sleep at night if i did
Yeah I hear ya I'm just scared I won't be able to fish the lakes if I do. Not much a c and r guy so I always fish for keepers.
Salmon Whammy said:
Hi Mike ! There has not been a final decision yet on the Coho Salmon season yet. We are waiting for final approval of NOAA.

If this is true then why is it printed on the ODFW website ?
Hi ! On June 3 2011 the ODFW game commission passed its part but NOAA has to approve it. We are still waiting. NOAA has the final word.
Kudos<..To salmon whammy!!! It's all about NOAA until they say OK it's not happening .But, If it does north country lures here in florence has some nice hoochies that work great also some #5 bladed spinners just about any color works very well for silvers.I can't wait I was hooking them like crazy last year,till I found out there was no hachery up the Slaw for coho anyway. kinda put a wilt in the old chain,if you know what I mean.We'll see what happen's ....FISH-ON!!!!
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I may stand corrected yesterday, I was told by someone that NOAA had ok'd the deal. he went on to say that he had the paper work???? 5 fish per w/a 900 quota....FISH-ON!!!
Hos are easy peasy. I'll be saving my spots for the lakes and the alsea though, not keepin any slaw hos unless it's a by-catch with no chance of survival.
JeannaJigs said:
Hos are easy peasy. I'll be saving my spots for the lakes and the alsea though, not keepin any slaw hos unless it's a by-catch with no chance of survival.

I am just hoping to catch one or two when my crab pots are soaking.
Word. I can't find further clarification on the NOAA approval deal. I assumed it was alread approved since it was published but now don't know for certain. I guess when we get closer to that date there will be confirmation
JeannaJigs said:
Word. I can't find further clarification on the NOAA approval deal. I assumed it was alread approved since it was published but now don't know for certain. I guess when we get closer to that date there will be confirmation

Getting pretty close now. Unless I hear different, I assume that no news is good news. Haha
Yup. A gazillion hos to like five chinook...pretty safe population. Now chinook..,well we will save that for another day...
It's a done deal.NOAA ok'd It was in the wednesdays (24th) siuslaw newspaper starts sept 15.....FISH-ON!!!!

Wild coho fishery to open Sept. 15
Posted: Friday, Aug 26th, 2011
By Amy Bartlett Siuslaw News

For the first time since 1994, fishers in the Siuslaw River will have the chance to catch and keep a wild coho salmon.

The National Marine Fisheries Service (NOAA Fisheries) has approved an Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (ODFW) proposal for a limited wild coho fishery. The proposal was submitted in July of this year.

The fishery starts Sept. 15 and will close once the 900-fish quota has been met, or at the end of November.

The open area includes the bay and river up to the mouth of Lake Creek.

The limit is one adult wild coho per day, with five total for the season, in aggregate with other wild coho fisheries. Fishers will also be allowed one wild Jack coho per day during the open season for adult coho.
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