Shrimping on the oregon coast?

I've seen the regs for shrimp in the ODFW booklet, but have never known anyone to catch shrimp off of the Oregon coast.:confused::confused: Anybody know where/when/how to catch shrimp?
I've seen the regs for shrimp in the ODFW booklet, but have never known anyone to catch shrimp off of the Oregon coast.:confused::confused: Anybody know where/when/how to catch shrimp?

I have a friend who used to SCUBA and catch them... and I've caught them in the surf now and again... I keep meaning to take out some minnow traps to lay out for shrimp...

Doesn't sound encouraging for recreational shrimping. I wouldn't quit on the idea, but it sounds like shrimp like deep water where it's dark and cold.
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