no.. i dont want to fish and shoot at th same time or fish by shooting. (both which sounds awesome! ) but i would like to do both in the same day. I usually go shooting out along the way to tillamook. (wolf creek logging road) and I know there is a little pond on the way up to Browns camp but i dont like shooting at browns and that pond looks like it sucks haha . but Hagg seems far enough out there must be some shooting around there. (as i recall upon entering the rec zone it says no guns)
anyone know somewhere CLOSE to Hagg lake i can go pop off some rounds? I dont need a sniper range but some distance would be sweet. Thanks!
Oh p.s. i went fishing last monday and didn't catch anything but a buzz! :yay: haha but i had a damn good time! I was fishing past boat ramp A from the shore with green pwr bait and some stinky stuff. floating it up off the bottom. it seemd kinda weedy over there tho. ok dudes! thanks in advance! and good luck.
anyone know somewhere CLOSE to Hagg lake i can go pop off some rounds? I dont need a sniper range but some distance would be sweet. Thanks!
Oh p.s. i went fishing last monday and didn't catch anything but a buzz! :yay: haha but i had a damn good time! I was fishing past boat ramp A from the shore with green pwr bait and some stinky stuff. floating it up off the bottom. it seemd kinda weedy over there tho. ok dudes! thanks in advance! and good luck.
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