Salish Pond report 02-13-2009

Hey everyone,

My dog and I were out at Salish Pond this morning for about an hour or so. It was pretty cold but there were plenty of other folks fishing. I caught a stocked rainbow on my first cast using Gulp! Salmon Eggs (pink) about 3 feet off the bottom. Casted pretty far out using a 1/4 oz Eco Egg Sinker and let the line sink completely before reeling it tight.

Didn't get so much as a nibble the rest of the time nor did I see anyone else catching anything. But, it's better than last week when it was frozen over so--hey, not bad. I got dinner.

Havin' a good time

Havin' a good time

Nothing to write home about... 10 inches maybe.

It really isn't about the length,it is about getting your gear out and getting yourself out on the water and having a good time. Sounds like you had a fine time. Keep at it for me 'til I can get back out,ok? :D Be safe.
Yeah, I have no issues with smaller fish--or no fish. In fact, I didn't expect to catch anything at all and was not prepared for it. I just wanted to get the dog some exercise, drink some coffee, and throw out a line. Good stuff.
Was out there again this morning... and so was everyone else. The guy down the bank from me, fishing what looked like it might be a silver kastmaster, pulled in a beauty of a trout. Much larger than the typical stockers... seemed more likely to be in the mid-- maybe even upper teens. Really nice. Would have been even better on my line but nice just the same.

A duck got a fish too, though not quite as large. Other than that, same old "nothing yet" that I'm more accustomed to at Salish.

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