Razor clams in Newport?

Heading over to Newport today to get some clams. I've, in the past, got the eastern soft shells right there at the science center then go to seal rock for some muscles. I was wondering if anyone has ever got razors in or around Newport and if so where? I know the ODFG website says North and South beach and Agate has some, just wondering if anyone has ever tried there and if its worth the effort. I appreciate any and all responses, thanxs.
Still looking for any info on razors in Newport. Went last weekend, stopped into the marina and talked to a lady running the register. Not sure how much she really new, had never seen her there before. No one else was there being news years eve and all. She kind of reluctantly said " yea right there at north beach if its open". We walked that beach for a mile, stomping all the way, at a minus tide and couldn't even find a single hole. Online you can find info like on the ODFG website saying that they are there just a lot smaller population then up north. Anybody got any suggestions, got to be someone out there that’s found them.
I'm no expert on clamming, but I'm pretty sure that the best conditions include a pretty severe minus tide. Otherwise the good clam beds are still under water. It looks like the low tides that you were hitting didn't have much of a minus tide, therefore not a lot of clams.

I'm writing all this having only been clamming about 5 times in my life, and I always go to Seaside to do it. But on a good minus tide you will see hundreds of people out there digging for clams. On a regular low tide there may be 1 or 2. So the masses know what they are talking about. However, I have no idea where to clam in Newport, sorry.
Im not too sure how well your going to do with out some major assistance of a local, most good clamming is north of tillamook Bay-
I've never gotten a razor clam in Newport. Most people I know who do it a lot say you have to go north of Tillamook to get them. If you just want a lot of clams the best place is Bandon.
I'm down in Waldport for the weekend. Not a fishing more of a scouting weekend. Was out walking the beech on the north side of Alsea Bay and kept seeing razor clam shells all over the place. It wasn't low tide so I did check for live ones. But if you are in the Newport area looking for razor clams head south to the beech at Waldport. I know next time I'm bringing my clam gear!
Newport razors

Newport razors

You can find razors near Newport by the north jetty... and I mean RIGHT by the north jetty... but you'll want a good minus tide to do it... if it's not -1 or lower, you're SOL.

There are also littlenecks there around the rocks and the mussels are easy (and tasty) pickin's...

While you are there, you might also grab a few of the mole crabs up the beach (look for little dimples in the sand and dig fast)... cook 'em up shell and all and eat 'em like popcorn shrimp.
Ill add to this since it was brought back up. I razor clam in newport a couple times a year, and you can only get to them on minus tides. Atleast a -1 to -1.5 to even think about it. And the more negative the better. Like halibut said, the further north you go the better... But also, there are enough razors out of newport to keep a larger group of 50-100 or more people interested on those tides... It is possible to get your limit, but usually daily tally consists of 1-4 clams for the average clammer, and a few hardcore guys that are there all the time will tag a few more. Go to south beach while your tide is still going out, climb over the dune and look to the north towards the jetty, and you will see the mass of people gathering. That is the best place in newport to target them. While you're walking towards the surf, keep an eye out in the dryer sand that has been exposed for a long while because there are clams higher up that people walk by, that are easier to recognize. Another access point will be from the south jetty. If its windy, or the surf is rough on the day you go, they tend not to show themself very well. Good luck to who goes.
Not wanting to hijack the thread but is there anywhere between newport and waldport that has good cockles? Ive been under the green bridge in newport a few times and only found softshells...Was out there just a few days ago and pulled a few legal dungis in though
(Newport) Go to the LNG tank on the north side of the bay, up a mile or two from 101... more cockles than you can shake a stick at... lot of people go barefoot ( dont recomend) and grab them when they feel them with there feet. But really, lots of cockles.

Oh, also, watch how far out you go, can get cut off from the tide, sneaks up on you.
Thats off of Yaquina bay right? Big tank on a point on the north side of the bay? Ive just started to look around on the coast....Thanks!
Ditto on that. Four of us got our limit in about an hour last summer. I didn't get to eat any though, as I had an appendicitis that night...
Thanks guys...

I went out yesterday and found a limit in no time....I also walked down by the north jetty throwing a scampi jig and looking around. Ive fished both sides with everything I can think of and have yet to hook up....maybe I just have the fish funk right now hahaha
Glad you had success! Ill be honest though, its pretty easy right there. A little further up the bay when the surf perch are in you can catch tons, walking out on a low tide, and fishing your way back in staying ahead of the water, using a crappie double rig with sand shrimp with a 12 inch dropper or so. Other bottom fish critters can be pretty easy to come by out of a boat, I havent tried for them from shore.
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