Rainbow Lake Fishing

Well-known member
Anybody know anything about fishing Rainbow Lake up by Detroit, Oregon? My brother wanted to check it out and now my interest is piqued (sp?). I contacted ODFW and Alex gave me some information..No stocking information from '07 to present but...and I quote "The only information I have is from 1961: one gill net set and two brook trout caught, both about 14 inches long." Hmmm that was a good year for my mom and dad...hehe. Thinking about givin it a shot...just hope I don't need a 4 WD. Any information would be great..
Hey lilsalmon, my old man had talked about fishing that lake MANY YEARS ago. (back in the 70's I would guess). I remember him saying that my uncle caught a few but they were tiny. If you do go out there let us know how you did.
Thanks guys.... I checked out the ifish posts..:naughty::naughty: as I had already been to the other two...Me thinks a PT cruiser probably wont be the ideal vehicle to get there....:think: Anyone want to swap cars for the day...hehe. If I go I will definitely let ya know.
Nope, a PT cruiser is a nice street rod, but it aint' much got much trail cred! Best find sumpthin a bit taller. You wouldn't want to bottom out and get high centered.
I'll bet your PT would make it if you took it slow. Plan to fish Rainbow Lake until noon then go down and finish off the day fishing Santiam Flats at the mouth of the N.Santiam. It'll cost you 5 bucks for day use parking but you won't regret it. Float tube or toon boat is a must. Troll olive crystal buggers and Carey Specials with intermediate sinking line about 30 to 40 ft. out.
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Thanks J and OTF....you would be surprised at some of the places my cruiser has been......

oh...BTW...Santiam Flats is an awesome place to fish...well worth the 5 bucks....my brother was there last week or so but all the trout he caught had the parasite......its fun catchin em tho

my heart is with the rivers and a steelie right now
Rainbow Lake Fishing

I was up there last summer, and as long as there is no snow, you would be fine in any kind of car. I think the reason there is no stocking info, is because its privately owned. But they allow people to go in through the gate as long as the place stays cleaned up. there is a 4 wheel drive road all the way around the lake, but you can get to within 100 ft of the lake on gravel. there is also 4 camp spots around the lake, but you'll definitely need a craft of some sort. good luck, Brian
Thanks Brian...camping spots? hmmmm sounds fun. The only craft I have is my basket making....:lol::lol::lol: Somehow I dont think that will work...so the bank fishing sucks. Will have to figure that one out if I go. Thanks again for the info
Rainbow Lake

Hey lil', I was just beginning to think about heading up there. But, I guess I'd need my tube. And, that's a bicycle only built for one.

BTW, looks like we share a skill in common...only my baskets were woven under water!
That's cool...so while I am fishin you be watching from the bank? :lol::lol::lol:

Don't have my redneck tube put together yet...;)

let me know how you do iffen you go
I noticed places to bank fish when I was there but it was limited. Like I said before, It's a good morning destination but not all day. :)
I REALLY want to give me NEW float tube a shot somewhere for some trout. Only used it once at Walter Wirth and want to try somewhere where the fly fishing is a lil bit better. Would this be a good place to go now? Or elk lake? hmmm
I would definitely give rainbow a try. Ive never heard anything but good about the fishing at rainbow, and the drive isn't bad. The drive up to elk lake sucks, and the fishing is definitely not worth it. Ive never heard much good about fishing elk lake. by the way, rainbow is excellent for crawdaddies ifn you have a trap. yummm. the crawdads probably arent good yet this early in the year, but later on keep it in mind. good luck, and happy fishing, be sure to let us know what you decide, and how you do, Brian
Might hit the lake soon. Rainbow lake that is. Have a float tube. What do you suggest I use as flys? What sizes? THANKS!
I'm not a fly fisherman, so I can't help there, but I will let you know. I went up there today and there was about 6 inches of fresh snow(it wont be there long) but just before I got to the gate, there was a tree over the road. I hooked a strap to it, and I couldnt budge it. so unless you have a chainsaw, you may be walking the last little bit. Im sure someone will cut it soon. good luck, Brian
Im gonna wait a little bit. Saw your other thread and it helped a lot! thanks
I am thinking about hitting it up soon as well. I know that in lakes trolling copper johns, princes, and hairzares nymphs all work well. And for the big ones get down deep with a wooly bugger and troll that at a good pace.
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