Three Creeks Lake (pics)

Well, I tried to get the wife up at 4:30 this morning and go with me Now before you call me A cold hearted loser! I offered to compromise! I gave her an extra 15 min! Thats like really big hearted of me For those of you that have fished with me, you know I got this thing about being the first on any body of water, well she slept in, I told her you got all the time in the world to sleep when your dead! I can't repeat her comeback but it wasn't very nice! Well I got up there and boy is it a pretty lake, took the banna barge out for it's second trip, with electric motor! I love lazy fishing, thats what I'm talking about! Targeted brookies, and couldn't hook one to save my life! Pulled 8 rainbows out and released them, biggest was almost 14" (round em up never down!) Took a half a thermos of coffee and 2 20oz redbulls with me and I had to head to the bank!I was next to one of the creeks and I look out and there are 50 to 60 brooks on their beds and I throw everything I had, no good! The water was maybe 2ft deep! All of a sudden a Bald Eagle hits one of the brookies about 75ft from me and scares me so bad I fall over a log and land on my &%*#, I'm pretty sure he was laughing as he carried off his fish!








If ya never been there, don't wait 50yrs like me!
What a nice place- thanks for the pics and the report
Those are some absolutely astounding photos you got:shock:, and thank you for the report.
Early riser...

Early riser...

Joe your the man, and I can atest to his being a early riser...very nice pictures and that toon is about as decked out as I have ever seen...:clap: puts mine to shame. That is one beautiful lake and area, I should make a trip up there - heck you could show me the tricks.. Those Brookies are pretty finicky fish that is for sure, even though those Rainbows were very nice fish. Nicely done and thanks again for the pictures.

Great story, pictures and fish!:clap::clap::clap::clap:

As you can see, not an early riser this AM -- part of my compromise for getting my wife to fish. As it is supposed to get warmer through 5 PM, I'm hoping the fishing action will warm up later in the day as well.

Seeing those pictures before heading out gets me going!!!!

Good fishing to you and all this weekend.!
Thanks you guys, it is a nice lake, for those of you who haven't been there it's at the base of the three sisters and 6500' high! Chuck, me show you some tricks:lol: now that is funny! Remember anytime anywhere!
Ah, I used to make an annual fall summit of the middle sister, haven't done it in a couple years, but I remember the last time I fished the lake, my climbing partner, who really couldn't fish a Bluegill out of a bucket, hooked, and landed the absolute biggest Brookie I have ever seen. I was having the same problem as you, only getting the rainbows, and not even making the Brooks think twice about my garbage. But my incompetent buddy tied up a dry fly, and a split shot, and sunk it, moments later we saw the beast, and it probably weighed close to 8 or 9 pounds maybe more. We never carried a scale until after that trip, now I always have a good weighing device on hand.

I have a couple pictures from a trip a few years back...The brookie is his first one ever, and nice size at that. The rainbows are for lunch, wrangled by the climbin crew before the drive home.
Oh yeah, the net opening at its widest point is 22 inches long...Just for reference.
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ArcticAmoeba said:
Ah, I used to make an annual fall summit of the middle sister, haven't done it in a couple years, but I remember the last time I fished the lake, my climbing partner, who really couldn't fish a Bluegill out of a bucket, hooked, and landed the absolute biggest Brookie I have ever seen. I was having the same problem as you, only getting the rainbows, and not even making the Brooks think twice about my garbage. But my incompetent buddy tied up a dry fly, and a split shot, and sunk it, moments later we saw the beast, and it probably weighed close to 8 or 9 pounds maybe more. We never carried a scale until after that trip, now I always have a good weighing device on hand.

I have a couple pictures from a trip a few years back...The brookie is his first one ever, and nice size at that. The rainbows are for lunch, wrangled by the climbin crew before the drive home.
Oh yeah, the net opening at its widest point is 22 inches long...Just for reference.

There is just something about a Brookie....can't really explain it. Not a bad bucket of Trout either, those smaller lakes can really hold some honey's.

FYI, I have been informed it is a no motors lake! No electrics, oh well, its only 28 acres, you don't need one anyway!
Yeah, but I bet it was nice to have that sucker though...I have come to find out, for me anyways that 30 acres with no wind is as big a body I can explore fully without wasting my energy. It is a fun place, and maybe I'll get the 'toon up there in a few weeks, hit it before the snow shows up. What were you using primarily, looks like you had some success with a small Flat, or Kwik.
ArcticAmoeba said:
Yeah, but I bet it was nice to have that sucker though...I have come to find out, for me anyways that 30 acres with no wind is as big a body I can explore fully without wasting my energy. It is a fun place, and maybe I'll get the 'toon up there in a few weeks, hit it before the snow shows up. What were you using primarily, looks like you had some success with a small Flat, or Kwik.

f4 flats, yellow black spots, frog, and black and red. got a couple on worms, trolling, not a bite on bobber and worms
Slow trollers...

Slow trollers...

joemomma said:
f4 flats, yellow black spots, frog, and black and red. got a couple on worms, trolling, not a bite on bobber and worms

Have you ever tried Bingo Bugs or Frisky Flies for slow trolling small lakes...?
D y n a m i t e....oh yea :cool:

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