punkinseeed. hyuk hyuk.

if you enjoy large amoutnts of large panfish pay a visit to grand prarie park in albany. last time we caught 20 pumkinseed over 6 inches. take a size 12 single hook (preferably debarbed, becaus if u dont ull spend more time unhooking fish than fishing:rolleyes:) tie it on. JUST THE HOOK NOTHING ELSE, NO SWIVEL, NO BOBBER, NO WHEIGHT, NO NUTHIN!!! Then take a piece of power bait corn, bite or cut it in half, put it on the hook and make likre ur fly fishing. flip it out, watch it sink , and see a i ton blugill or 'seed :shock: make a lunch out of it. :dance:
Good info for some of the warmwater fisherman. I have used a small (maybe 12 or 10) GOLD, eagle claws when I was a kid at Rock Creek Res. When the fish are conditioned to be aware of stink dough, or other things I find that their curiosity is the next best thing to key in on for stocker trout anyways. They give that hook a good look and almost everyone of 'em was dumb enough to become lunch! I bet it would work for BG too. The technique you used is something I want to try...Fly casting bait with light spinning gear. Oh boy, another way to piss off the Spey gentleman I see every week.:cool:
To spey or not to spey?

To spey or not to spey?

Ok, I have seen the term "spey" before but never really paid it much mind. AA, I am curious as to why you want to piss them off and what the feud is. I hope there aren't any reading this...:confused: come to think of it, if I don't know what they are, how do I know I am not one? :think: I don't think I am,cuz you haven't upset me. ;)
I fish regularly out at a place called Dog Creek on the Clackamas, and everytime I'm there there are gentlemen who I have come to know really well, and they happen to have, and use strictly Spey rods. Basically a two handed cast, with a special rod built for just this activity. They have special casting techniques, and most Spey rods are over 10'... They see me drift fishing egg patterns, or baitholders hooks with an egg on it, with monofilament tied to my fly line, not a tippet. And they used to think I was some dumb kid, but I out fish them all the time, and we all have laughs about the young "snapper" (me) out fishing the purists. They just get hot and bothered when I catch fish and they don't. They know I am not takin there hole, or casting over the top of them, so they flip me comments about being a "proper, not proper fly fisherman." They say this because I tend to act like I know what I am doing, and I don't get in anyones way, but I generally don't use traditional flies. Just our way of bein funny I guess. But I am not trying to fued with any angler here, or out on Dog Creek. I just do things a little differently, and they have come to realize that I am sorta competent, and I am respectful of the fishery, and most of the folks who fish it. So we are friends now, and those guys can be ruthless to less respectful fishermen who tend to crowd this one hole, instead of getting in on a cast rotation... So I'm happy those guys put up with me re-writing their books.:lol:
fishudedmeet said:
if you enjoy large amoutnts of large panfish pay a visit to grand prarie park in albany. last time we caught 20 pumkinseed over 6 inches. take a size 12 single hook (preferably debarbed, becaus if u dont ull spend more time unhooking fish than fishing:rolleyes:) tie it on. JUST THE HOOK NOTHING ELSE, NO SWIVEL, NO BOBBER, NO WHEIGHT, NO NUTHIN!!! Then take a piece of power bait corn, bite or cut it in half, put it on the hook and make likre ur fly fishing. flip it out, watch it sink , and see a i ton blugill or 'seed :shock: make a lunch out of it. :dance:

I highly recommend this technique anytime you've got kids with and the other fish aren't producing. EE Wilson in particular comes to mind, the kids can see the fish taking the bait so there's tons of fun to be had.
Oswego lake surprisingly has one of the pumpkinseed state records... People say oswego lake is a goldmine for bass and panfish. But they make you get on your knees and beg cause theres no private access...:lol::lol:
what pound test line are you using?
colby said:
what pound test line are you using?

My normal gear is 10lb braided line (2-4lb diameter), but the fish have never seemed to be terribly line shy and have caught them on up to 20lb braid (8lb diameter).
i wonder what goes through a the mind of a blueg or a punkin when they see huge line and then something tasty on the end of it...:lol:

i wonder if they are bothered by certain scents like red worms or other unpleasant scents. i have always had trouble catching them on redworms, i think it has to do with the scent that they produce :think:

any thoughts?...:)
Private Ponds...

Private Ponds...

There is a private pond near my house that has a great population in it and in order to fish is you either have to stealth into it or know someone, I have been kicked out so many times that the next time I get caught I get arrested for trespassing....The largest Pumpkinseeds I have ever laid eyes on.....you can kill them in a float tube.... I can't list the location on the site but if your into it shoot me a pm and you can probably pry the information out of me...

So I just spent more time drowning worms this weekend than ever before and I've learned a new to me tip/trick, and it's simply that circle hooks help with hook-ups over a similar sized J-hook when the fish are otherwise too small for the hook but biting aggressively.
Circle hooks...

Circle hooks...

chris61182 said:
So I just spent more time drowning worms this weekend than ever before and I've learned a new to me tip/trick, and it's simply that circle hooks help with hook-ups over a similar sized J-hook when the fish are otherwise too small for the hook but biting aggressively.

They work well at any time on any fish that bites, I like the sizes 8's and '10's for Trout...they are easier on the fish if you are planning to releasing, the hook sets are right in the corner of the mouth...very good invention.

going in Circles....

going in Circles....

I just read the same info in one of the fishing mags. I am getting some this weekend. Thanks for all the info to everyone who put some input into this input putting place....:think: you know what I mean! :D
Big Panfish

Big Panfish

beetle spins also catch fish at Grand Prarie. we caught some bass and cats there last time. i watched as my dad hauled a 1 pound bluegill out from under the tree near the dam. i caught one bigger than that 15 minutes later. to give you an idea, take a nice, big pancake. then imagine that it is made out of very slimy, very pissed off muscle that is threatening to yank you off the bank. i be danged if there isn't a record in that pond. my pond!:mad:
we caught a three pound bass there. take a teeny twister (whites best) and put it on a 1\32 ounce jig and flip it out there. reel like you would a spinner. they can't leave it alone.


fishudedmeet said:
beetle spins also catch fish at Grand Prarie. we caught some bass and cats there last time. i watched as my dad hauled a 1 pound bluegill out from under the tree near the dam. i caught one bigger than that 15 minutes later. to give you an idea, take a nice, big pancake. then imagine that it is made out of very slimy, very pissed off muscle that is threatening to yank you off the bank. i be danged if there isn't a record in that pond. my pond!:mad:

Pound for pound these are the best fighting fish around...we use ultra light gear and by the end of the day my face is sore from laughing and smiling so much...great fish to teach kids with..

pixses!!!!!!!! pumkin seed, monster blueg and shrimp bass!
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My son and I have also caught monster bass and crappie on beetle spins and tiny mr.twister curley tails in Lamberts slough and Hagg Lake Smallies love em too. At Hagg off the dam we like to use the tiny floating rapalas #3 in silver and black or the tiny Storm grasshopper poppers, just pitch and twitch, gotta love those topwater strikes. Have had bluegill hit them so hard the lure flies a foot in the air then to have a largemouth slam it when it hits the water again. What a Rush !!! When EE Wilson weeds up we take gills on Patzkies n bobber like they are half starved.
A_J-Llama said:
My son and I have also caught monster bass and crappie on beetle spins and tiny mr.twister curley tails in Lamberts slough and Hagg Lake Smallies love em too. At Hagg off the dam we like to use the tiny floating rapalas #3 in silver and black or the tiny Storm grasshopper poppers, just pitch and twitch, gotta love those topwater strikes. Have had bluegill hit them so hard the lure flies a foot in the air then to have a largemouth slam it when it hits the water again. What a Rush !!! When EE Wilson weeds up we take gills on Patzkies n bobber like they are half starved.
I have a 2 inch rapala, and I can't seem to cast it (I only tried with friends rod. not own)... How does one cast virtually nothing?
I use ultrlight spin gear with 4-6# line on a 4-5 ft rod. If it's anything more than a light breeze, you must cast with the wind or you will be wearing your lure. ; P Your 2" rapala is prob a #5 and too big for gills but the bass at Hagg will devour them. Used to troll #5's and #7's on 6 pound test way behind the boat and catch 4pound plus smallies and limit on trout when they weren't touching trollers with flashers rigs. An ol timer asked me what I was using one day at Hagg when he saw my fish, showed him my trusty silver and black rapala and he called me a liar.

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