OFF hole again

Markcanby said:
I Grade I am new to steel head fishing I have not made it up there yet but would like to. I find your statements rather offencive an if that is the kind of attitude you have about people new to the sport then I am glad I will not be seeing you up there! Like has been said it is not a secret an at less then 700 views more people would see a photo at Fishermans than this post.

You need to face the fact that more an more people are going to fishing our lakes an rivers. At least on this forum we can ethics along with fishing holes.
Also if you will not be sharing info anymore why be part of this forum unless you want to just learn about other people fishing holes an tactics an in that case you are no better then the people you are upset about!

it only one persons opinion tho.. some have bad days and some good.. me ive had both but dont let it get to me.. i just do my thing and my part and fish away.. i hate picking up after people but i do it.. i hate ignorant people but there everywhere.. is that gonna stop me.. hell no!! if i did i'd never fish again.. i dont know any secret spot and too broke to get a boat so i take what i can get..
Sorry but to me the open discussion on here about where people are catching fish is one of the things that makes it great. If we all shut up about where we fished and how many we caught it wouldn't be a very informative forum. Just a place to come and brag. That hole killed a lot of skunks for a lot of new fisherpeople, that in my book is a good thing. Do you really expect to go fishing on a major river 30 min from Portland and expect to have ample space? Sure it does have an impact on fishing for example the spot I found on the Willy and posted about on here. When I went there the first time there was very little sign of people ever fishing there. The last two times I've gone there have been a bunch of people and the fishing was slow. Who knows if they were just off days or whether that spot had been over fished. Everyone has there secrets but mine are few and far between and they are spots that seldom see other fisherman.
Holy Crap

Holy Crap

I Grade, I can understand your frustration. We've all been there. Just remember that at one time that you yourself were a rookie steelhead fisherman and made rookie mistakes. I don't know about you, but I certainly have no problem saying anything or aiming for someone's line who's trying to crowd me out of my spot. To quote someone who's anything but a rookie "There are rules to combat fishing!"

As far as the trash and the garbage, I know for a fact that when I was personally down there last week as well as a few other OFF members, we had a bag set up for trash that we brought in as well as the trash that was there already. I don't think that sitting there and blaming the forum or the information that is shared on here is right. On the whole, we as a forum (from what I can tell) are fairly concerned about the water that we fish. Check previous posts about clean up efforts or environmental efforts before you try to give us a tongue lashing that is undue and definitely unjust.

EC, The OFF hole, Packsaddle, Mill City Bridge, Dog Creek, all places that people know that fish stack up. It's no secret. And it's no secret what happens when a large group of people congregate at a small area over time. It gets dirty. So instead of coming on here and complaining about it, next time, why not grab a garbage bag yourself and join the conservation effort. Unless you're one of those people that whine and don't do anything about it.
Maybe it's time to do our own SOLV project on the OFF Hole. One extra trip each would clean that place up in a hurry. I've only been there twice and the other fisherman were friendly and both knowledgable and inexperienced. BigDog I only had the fly rod out on Friday evening. Saturday morning I was only drifing. Thanks for the info shared, it made my day much more enjoyable even without a hookup.
How sweet!

How sweet!

I Grade said:
I went there for the first time this season this morning and I will never go back. It was nothing like seasons past. In years past I would share that stretch with 4-5 guys easy and not get any @$$holes to screw it up for everyone else.
I wonder how many of those were members of our forum, or even guys from our forum new to fishing?
I Grade said:
Those days are gone. I kept getting people crowding me and running WELL into my drift. I knew it was just a matter of time before the word got it totally sucks. It is as bad or worse than Dog Creek now. No one was catching any fish, and there is trash and garbage all over. It is ruined.... some things are best kept to yourself. From now on my bragging will be confined to WHAT I caught and not WHERE I caught it....loose lips sink ships.
on an Ifish trip or what?
I Grade said:

I Grade

Hmm....Lets turn back the clock for a minute....

05-06-2009, 05:19 PM #12
I Grade

Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: Portland area
Posts: 51


I think I understand now. This entire forum is actually a place to exchange poaching tips and then make jokes about it. HAHAHAHA.... I guess the joke is REALLY on me. That is why 'I Grade' is leaving this forum to you poaching fans out there. I guess honor and law abiding is for we 'old schoolers' out there and you hip young kids are all too COOL to worry about proper management of a dwindling resource. So remember to keep the leaders long....10' seems to be the magic number, and dont forget your nail clippers to get that pesky fin clipped off those natives while you are at it.

Whats the deal man? Your continual degrading of forum members either blatant or indirect is starting to get offensive(to me at least.). IDK. Maybe its just me, Barb seems to think I take everything the wrong way anyways.
Fishtopher said:
I wonder how many of those were members of our forum, or even guys from our forum new to fishing? on an Ifish trip or what?

Hmm....Lets turn back the clock for a minute....

Whats the deal man? Your continual degrading of forum members either blatant or indirect is starting to get offensive(to me at least.). IDK. Maybe its just me, Barb seems to think I take everything the wrong way anyways.

i agree.. didn't see his last post saying that.. not to be mean but man what the hell dude.. i happy i didn't hand him off a fish.. and you know what i have 9' leaders and im an old school fisher.. im not that old but i learn from the best and that how they taught me so thats how i catch fish.. with them helping me i help others.. if your too stubbern to change the way you fish you dont need to kill the mood and bring everyone down with you..
Combat fishing? That's shoulder to shoulder during the Fall Chinook runs on the Trask or the Wilson, Right. Get a grip guys... Watch what the others are doing before you join the line and do as they do and all will be well on the bank. Works every time for me.
Before ya go throwin rocks

Before ya go throwin rocks

I Grade said:
I wont be wasting my time at the "OFF Hole" or Eagle Creek. Just because we all know that EC is terrible doesn't mean that Faraday has to be the same way. It WAS it isn't... it was NEVER a secret, but it was also NEVER talked about on a forum like this (to my knowledge). I am here to tell you that I had fools come up within 10 yds of me and cast their frigging bobber and jig like it wont get in the way of me tossing spinners. These are newbie ignorant fishermen that probably learned about the place from some blabbermouth here. Its just the way it is now. There IS trash dont walk far down if you disagree. The bank is strewn with beer cans and tackle wrappers. That place is ruined. Do what you want to defend it, but it is NOT the kind of place I see as fun to fish at anymore. Just my .02

I Grade

Now here's a quote from one of those "blabbermouths"

I Grade said:
I love the I knew it before it became the OFFicial forum hole....I hooked my first nook there and my first steelhead there on little black Vibrax #3's. This is the only time of year that stretch of water gives up fish. I tried in the winter (January-ish) and hooked a nate but it was after 3 weekends of trying and failing. Enjoy her while shes hot! I might see you up there...I drive a grey tacoma (the truck of choice for this thread I noticed)

I Grade

When you get done with the humble pie..... I got some crow you can eat too
Fishtopher said:
I wonder how many of those were members of our forum, or even guys from our forum new to fishing? on an Ifish trip or what?

Hmm....Lets turn back the clock for a minute....

Whats the deal man? Your continual degrading of forum members either blatant or indirect is starting to get offensive(to me at least.). IDK. Maybe its just me, Barb seems to think I take everything the wrong way anyways.

No Chris your not taking that one the wrong way. That is offensive.
Barb who?

Barb who?

Fishtopher said:
I wonder how many of those were members of our forum, or even guys from our forum new to fishing? on an Ifish trip or what?

Hmm....Lets turn back the clock for a minute....

Whats the deal man? Your continual degrading of forum members either blatant or indirect is starting to get offensive(to me at least.). IDK. Maybe its just me, Barb seems to think I take everything the wrong way anyways.

Barb who? :lol: I think y'all need to let the man get it out of his system and get over it. If the getting over it part is too much,he has every right to leave the forum. If a member's viewpoint is offensive we can all jump on his/her case and try to straighten them out or we can allow for having a crummy day and be more understanding. Calling the member out for stating an honest opinion is not going to accomplish much more than giving voice to a useless argument. Instead of jumping all over him,why not set up another "OFF date" and cover each other's hiney? And while you're down there,take a garbage bag and pick up some of the litter. I guess there must have been a bunch more people there than when I finally got to meet you. There were close to twenty people there and as a "newbie" to the hole,I didn't feel crowded. It is a fairly large stretch of water and a person can walk around the bend for solitude. As far as the litter is concerned,I wouldn't say there is trash all over the place. Yes,there is litter that needs to be picked up. But there is certainly no mountain of trash. FishSchooler would have a ball scrambling around gathering up all the gear people have left behind.
As far as it being "secret",it was popular 34 years ago when I lived in Estacada,for crying out loud! How on earth do people expect a good fishing hole to remain a secret? No,we did not have forums back then,no one had computers. We did have mouths,though. We met each other at the tackle shops or eavesdropped on conversations. If you think you are the only one fishing a hole you need to set up camp and stay for a week. I would bet you will be shocked at how many people show up at your "secret" hole.
Now,back to fishing.....k? ;)
Interesting....this place wasn't a combat zone for the last 3 seasons, and now MAGICALLY it has become a Fishermans Normandy Beach. There are places on the Clack that produce more fish consistently, but you gotta have a boat to get to most of them. I am glad I finally have a boat in the family (THANKS BRO!) so i can avoid the @$$holes to elbows kind of conditions that I had at Faraday yesterday. I don't care if you are a new fisherman...take a look around you and see what others are and more importantly ARE NOT drifting your offering 50 yds PAST THE NEXT GUY DOWNSTREAM. Learn to fish and I won't resent having to stand by you. I dont normally throw all my goods into my backpack and hike away from my 'spot', but I had to twice yesterday. Faraday is the kiddie pool of Clackamas fishing holes now. Thanks!

I Grade
thar are some secret holes not many folks go to out on BLM lands..............butt you hav to hike in...

That is why 'I Grade' is leaving this forum to you poaching fans out there.

Are you still here man I thought I read somewhere you were leaving the forum to us "poacher" (tho every else that's newbies).
Hey I've forgot, I have a 12' drift boat in the garage! Does anyone regularly float the clack at this time of year. I've only had the boat for a year and only used it on the Wilson during Fall runs. Anyone willing to show me the ropes on the Clack?
I Grade said:
Interesting....this place wasn't a combat zone for the last 3 seasons, and now MAGICALLY it has become a Fishermans Normandy Beach. There are places on the Clack that produce more fish consistently, but you gotta have a boat to get to most of them. I am glad I finally have a boat in the family (THANKS BRO!) so i can avoid the @$$holes to elbows kind of conditions that I had at Faraday yesterday. I don't care if you are a new fisherman...take a look around you and see what others are and more importantly ARE NOT drifting your offering 50 yds PAST THE NEXT GUY DOWNSTREAM. Learn to fish and I won't resent having to stand by you. I dont normally throw all my goods into my backpack and hike away from my 'spot', but I had to twice yesterday. Faraday is the kiddie pool of Clackamas fishing holes now. Thanks!

I Grade

It's people like you that are honestly reason that I have no problem playing dumb at a fishing hole. I'll pretend to be a newbie all day long just because I know someone like you is trying to crowd me out of my spot. Oh wait that's combat fishing 101. It's apparant that you're the one that complains and does nothing about it type of person. So hop in your boat, hopefully your "bro" won't chuck you in once you start complaining out on the water. Leave us bank maggots alone.
I have to agree with him there is a ton of flossing going on up there, and like most spots on the clack that are publically accessable there is plenty of garbage.
I always just walk upstream or downstream when folks start getting too close, but I can be as much of an Ahole as the next guy after I get to a certain point.

There has been too much judgement, and riding of high horses lately on this forum, and I know I've done it a bit as well. Everyone - go fishing and chill out.
Interesting....this place wasn't a combat zone for the last 3 seasons, and now MAGICALLY it has become a Fishermans Normandy Beach. There are places on the Clack that produce more fish consistently, but you gotta have a boat to get to most of them. I am glad I finally have a boat in the family (THANKS BRO!) so i can avoid the @$$holes to elbows kind of conditions that I had at Faraday yesterday. I don't care if you are a new fisherman...take a look around you and see what others are and more importantly ARE NOT drifting your offering 50 yds PAST THE NEXT GUY DOWNSTREAM. Learn to fish and I won't resent having to stand by you. I dont normally throw all my goods into my backpack and hike away from my 'spot', but I had to twice yesterday. Faraday is the kiddie pool of Clackamas fishing holes now. Thanks

Well hey if im there first and some guy just comes and sets up 5 feet down
from me then hey ill drift a little past him, but not it his is just sitting there waiting to cast. when i was up thee the other day we actually had a good system i would cast up stream then the guy up from me would and the guy would above him would leaving it so no one would get tangled and we were all drifting or floating about the same speed.

And if people are catching fish in the kiddie hole then ill be there fishing.. if you dont like the spot then just dont fish there so people like me can have more room:D

Also hey im a new fisherman and i take offense for i go out of my way to stay clear and not pee-pee off you hot head experenced anglers and u know what i find that when ive fishing its the middle aged experenced guys that cut in and do the heavy combat fishing! also when i was down there there were only 6 other people, not to mention i also clean all my trash and others trash around me before i left
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Had a nice time there this morning...

Had a nice time there this morning...

There were only 5 of us there and everyone was friendly. Didn't catch any, but saw several jump...same old story. Wouldn't take much effort to clean up the place if we all took a little bit of garbage with us. I'm going to start bringing a trash bag with me.

I might be stealing someone's thunder but AnyFishisFine txted me just now saying he is there right now and two fish have been landed, one steel one nook. He had a nook on as well but it shook off.
In I Grades defense, I too have fished that spot for perpahs the last 6 years. Being a seasonal spot it only got my attention this time on year. Prior to this year I would see very few other anglers there. Maybe it's the high unemployment rate or just a new found interest for some people, but the fact remains this year it has been much more crowded than in the past.
Perhaps a month ago I showed up early and was the first person on the bank. Shortly after sunrise A gaggle of anglers descended on the hole. Almost immediately I got the impression I was the outsider as this group believed it was their hole.. (public lands means for the my misguided opinion).

Mob mentality was in full effect and I found myself shoulder to shoulder, with less that polite fellow anglers.

Oh well, I have seen and experienced this a lot in other places and on other rivers, especially during the coho returns.

Very little public lands remains and the competition for limited bank space continues to increase. It's a trend I don't see slowing (minus the impact of a major pandemic). Combat fishing is simply a situation that will continue to to develop. Like any technique, guerrilla fishing is an acquired skill. People new to angling will have to make the same mistakes as we all did / do.

The best way to "combat" this; for me, is to be both patient and pleasant with those around me. (that and having all the things I need to re-rig on me , rather than having to fall back and potentially loose my place on the river)

Once the seeds of friendship and mutual respect are planted it much easier to offer tips and tricks to help those "new" to the sport. Rhythmic fishing is not so difficult when others are on board, and since we are all sharing the same space, the sooner they learn it the better for all involved.....

I will now step down from my soap box.....

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