October fishing report from Quepos, Costa Rica.


October 19, 2010
Had a great day out on the water today with not only great fisherman but great cameramen as well, as the pictures show! We went fishing with a gentleman from San Diego today and his two Godsons and since two of them had never hooked into a billfish before, billfish were the target. Just some background for those of you unfamiliar with Quepos, October is right at the end of our low season, and fishing is generally considered to be much easier from Nov-May. With that in mind, we decided that the farther out we go, the better the chance of getting something with a bill. We ended up cruising out to about 40-45 n. miles out. Well, turned out to be an awesome day releasing 2 sailfish along with getting 3 YF Tuna and 6 Dorado to the boat. It was an awesome time and we met our goals, and now the whole family has a Pacific sailfish checked off their list! If the fishing is this good in October, i really expect it to pick up for November and this high season should produce some great numbers. We also went out a couple of other times this week and had two nice Marlin hookups. We hooked a 450 pound Blue and 300 Blue in two different days. Unfortunately, we lost both the fights, but just seeing those fish come out of the water on the strike and then hearing the line peel away made it super exciting! Also, as you can see from the pictures, the weather this October has been great. The ocean was pretty much flat all day and made it easy to spot the Tuna Schools from miles away using the Fujinon's. We actually found 5 different groups of spinner dolphins in the morning today before 12 o'clock. The bottom picture seems to sum up our days recently, with me and Jerry looking ahead for stuff and Mike getting a better angle to see when the sailfish come into the spread. Another great day of fishing in Quepos Costa Rica!
Absolutely amazing!!!
Thats way awesome! :cool: I bet fishing out of that boat was'nt very boring :think:
oh costa rico.... I wish I hadn't taken an oath when I left.. but loose lips sink countries. sweet ass fish you had a great day!!!
Thats looks like an amazing time! Good job man!
(@)-(@) Awesome,simply awesome. (@)-(@)
nice fish! that looks like it was a blast
Wow, that looks like a dream trip! Thanks for sharing, and nice fish.
I am envious....
I love the Bush eating a cat avatar!! That's funny. What's even funnier is you half wonder if it's real! (the last part was a joke, I don't want to get any hate mail!!!)
That looks like it was a reel blast! It reminded me of a photo I have of my grandfather. He spent some time in Panama while the canal was being built. Hope you feel the old man in the sea like I do..

Wow, what an awesome old picture. So they used to fish off of sailboats? I guess private yachts didn't have engines in the 1910's. That would be interesting. I guess with live bait that would work, but it would be hard to troll! I wonder if he had a dome or array radar? :) Really though, do you know what they used to use back then for billfish?
I bet back then before heavy commercial fishing there used to be a ton more fish. From the old timers here in Costa Rica I heard back 30 years ago, they would catch the billfish in double digits almost year round only going out 4-5 miles. Now we are going out 40.
I have or use to have one of his poles that was about an inch in diameter made of bamboo like a fly rod. Hook had about a two inch gap! I'll try and find it and post a photo of it.
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