Nfr 6/7/2011

Went out to NFR today, trolled with worms for hrs and didn't get a bite other than tiny bait fish. We switched it up to bobber and worms on the advice of another fisherman who'd caught a bit and then we started reelin in some nice ones. Another fisherman told us they just stocked the reservoir today. When we got back to the dock it was jumpin w/ fish. I'd say now would be the time to hit the resevoir...have at it everyone :D
The best fisherman try different methods, until they figure out how to catch the fish that day. Good for you, for dumping your trolling gear to the method that worked! If you would have continued likely would have gotten skunked.
We sat through some bad weather for an hour or so, gettin chilled from the wind and rain but after it died down it got nice and we switched to bobbers on the advice of the guy catchin like mad. Real nice guy, gave us some gulp to use and told us how he was settin it up on his line. Used his methods and we were gettin bites like mad. Yah, gotta adapt to the situation or go home with an empty cooler hehe
only thing i could tell from his setup was he was usin a bobber and some gulp bait. florescent green, small curved bait about 1/2 an inch long. dunno what else he was using but that gulp bait made all the difference for us that day, hope that helps.
I may be OFF base; but I think that I recently saw some small & GREEN Gulp! worms at Bi Mart. Gulp! is like Power Bait / Power Eggs...with more scent dispersal.
only thing i could tell from his setup was he was usin a bobber and some gulp bait. florescent green, small curved bait about 1/2 an inch long. dunno what else he was using but that gulp bait made all the difference for us that day, hope that helps.

Thanks for the info. It sounds like it was Gulp Grubs but TD also has an idea as to what it is.
I'll have to look for it next time I get bait. Thanks All!

Also, I've used Balls o' Fire (green label) and that works when PB isn't making the grade...

I was going this afternoon but was so tired, I decided to sit but I'll be there either Sat or Sunday. If I invite a freind, I'll be on the bank. If they don't make it, I'll be in my toon...
have fun out there, i forgot to mention we saw a trout jump outta the water and it had to be over a foot long for sure. it jumped out about 4 times out by the dam inside the barrier. i was told walmart has some of those gulp bait for cheap w/ a rebate too.
I did not catch a single trout last year (tried 4-5 times) but also never went to North Fork. I tried it the weekend before last, and caught 5 nice ones off the dock within 90 minutes. I was just baiting with PowerBait and dropping the line into the water off the dock...didn't even cast. Most folks on the dock were casting out, but were not getting hits nearly as fast as I was. I tried to tell them to just drop it, but they would not listen. :) Good for me.

I had to work last weekend, but I'll be out there early on Saturday.
the friend i went fishing there with had told me that fishing off the boat launch at promotory park was prohibited, we did a bunch of catch and release there w/ a fly rod just to mess around though. another person was doin some catch and release as well.
I always take multiple types of bait and many different colors and different scents too. You never know what the fish will bite on the day that you are there. If you don't have the right bait, right color, right spinner, flies, spoons, etc. you may get skunked. A variety is always best.

Plus, when trolling...if you don't catch anything near the surface, then add weight and go deeper until you find the zone. It's also wise to vary your trolling speed as well. SLOW is generally best (from 1/2 mile per hour to 1.5). But sometimes varying from slow to fast back to slow; or just faster and steady will work.

Another technique that many peeps don't try is making an "S" pattern when steering your boat. Turning slowly from side to side will drop the inside gear down deeper, while raising the outside of the turn gear up higher. It's another variation on depth and speed.

When these methods are used, it's a rare instance when trolling doesn't work.
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Went out both Saturday and Sunday. Saturday was productive - found a "honey hole" and pulled four out in ten minutes.
I did purchase some of the Gulp grubs which worked well catching all four on the honey hole.
Saw a steelie jumping out of the water no more than 60 feet from me. It was at least 24 inches long and fat!
Went back Sunday and the hole was dead - not one bite. Worms seemed to be the best bet when trolling. Several hits but no takers.
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