Mckenzie close to town

Went fly fishing the Mckenzie from shore the last few days real close to town, Real close to Troutski's area...Deerhorn or maybe it's called greenhorn road...anywho, it has lots of nice pull of spots with nice ripples and large boulders with deep holes. We did well throwing rather large nymphs having bites on just about every cast. All of our fish were aroun 10 inches, no monsters. Tried throwing some march browns to see if they would hit dries but the trout were finiky only wanting those nyphs sitting as close to just off the bottom as you could get it. Sorry no pics this time! Drop me a PM and I can give more specific direction to the area we fished, great quick access for local bankers with flyrods.
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I used to fish up Deerhorn a lot back in the 90's. I tried getting back to my favorite hole last year. We made it but it was all over grown with vegetation, mainly blackberries. If you drive to the end of Deerhorn up to the gate there's a place to park. Then follow the creek down to the river and then head east. I've caught some big rainbows in that hole and a couple of steelhead too. When you get near the island head back up through the trees a little ways and there's an old dirt road. This road will take you to the back side of the Leaburg fish hatchery with tons of awesome holes to fish along the way.
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WAYCO spots..

WAYCO spots..

Lets not forget the WAYCO area off I-105 west near 42nd street, great area for Trout,Steel,Salmon and sun fish...Pretty cool area. Soon it will be a city park, I look forward to the parking.. It always gives me the creeps parking along the freeway, cell phone use being so prevalent; find myself just waiting for the sound of the crash.
Anyway great prosperous place to fish, and very close to town.

Troutski said:
Lets not forget the WAYCO area off I-105 west near 42nd street, great area for Trout,Steel,Salmon and sun fish...Pretty cool area. Soon it will be a city park, I look forward to the parking.. It always gives me the creeps parking along the freeway, cell phone use being so prevalent; find myself just waiting for the sound of the crash.
Anyway great prosperous place to fish, and very close to town.


When are they making it a city park? I've caught some nice cutts in there. It's a great place that's close to go to get away from people. That will probably change when it becomes a city park. Sometimes I hate it when they park a place up.


Some times we can't stop change, so I say embrace it... WAYCO donated the land to the City of Springfield a few years back with the agreement that the city makes a park out of it. I personally feel there was more to it than that, maybe a very healthy tax break or something down that road. The point is that it will happen - so enjoy it now and when it is a park, well the same thing happen to Elijah Bristow up the Middle Fork of the Willy near Dexter. I still use the park for parking and security and still catch great fish in nice numbers there..

I suppose you're right. Maybe when it becomes a park the homeless people will go somewhere else. Sometimes I worry about getting robbed when I go there.
Is that the spot were you can walk down the gravel road down to the river over the little wood bridge that crosses the slough?
Thuggin4Life said:
Is that the spot were you can walk down the gravel road down to the river over the little wood bridge that crosses the slough?

That's the spot I'm thinking of.
Can you guys describe this place a little further? What is it near on 105? The mill there?

GoDucks1 said:
Can you guys describe this place a little further? What is it near on 105? The mill there?


Go to 42nd and Marcola Rd. There's a gravel parking lot across from a trucking company. Follow the road beyond the gate and it will lead you there. The water in the slough is warm all year. It has bass, bluegill, carp, catfish, trout, and pikeminnow. I wouldn't eat anything from the slough. That water comes directly from the paper mill. Anyway, follow the road and it won't be long until you see the river. There's also trails that lead to the river before you get to the bridge at the slough. You might run into a homeless camp and you might not.
TTFishon said:
Go to 42nd and Marcola Rd. There's a gravel parking lot across from a trucking company. Follow the road beyond the gate and it will lead you there. The water in the slough is warm all year. It has bass, bluegill, carp, catfish, trout, and pikeminnow. I wouldn't eat anything from the slough. That water comes directly from the paper mill. Anyway, follow the road and it won't be long until you see the river. There's also trails that lead to the river before you get to the bridge at the slough. You might run into a homeless camp and you might not.

One time i was fishing down where the bums camp and didn't catch any fish but I managed to catch a unopened 12oz miller high life.
Thuggin4Life said:
One time i was fishing down where the bums camp and didn't catch any fish but I managed to catch a unopened 12oz miller high life.

That's a good catch.
Bum Camp, adds that element of excitement. Better pack the 38 special.

Thanks for the directions!
GoDucks1 said:
Bum Camp, adds that element of excitement. Better pack the 38 special.

Thanks for the directions!

Bums are people too. Not all of them are how you would expect them to be. Unexpected events happen in life that can be life changing. I have been close to being a bum myself.
My best friend and i call that Bum Heights : ) Last time i caught a fish there it was a nice little cutt and a local resident of bum heights asked if i was going to keep the fish. When i replied No, he asked if he could keep it... I laughed and said no while releasing the fish...about a day later the light switch clicked on and i felt bad that he may actually be hungry...either way pretty funny. Cheers
OH and i never go fishing without my most reliable fishing partner!! .40 Im scared of being stabbed with a hypodermic needle;)
Geez guys. Homeless people arent monsters. I have been to this area of the river and I have NEVER felt afraid of any of these people. If you ever feel unsafe crossing into someone's "camp" or a homeless area try bringing a six-pack of some cheap beer, if anyone looks like they want to stab you with a needle try an offer them a cold one.. Thats what I'd do in Cali in some of the rougher fishin holes. Bring a "40" not a .40 lol
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Bring a "40" not a .40 lol
couldn't agree more. I park at the lot by Marcola road and don't worry - lots of folks walking their dog, etc, and everybody I have run into has been friendly.
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Thats pretty funny maybe i will buy them a forty next time:) Got to be honest its probably the fact that i worked the streets as a public servant for the last eight yrs, Had multiple sketchy ppl try sketchy stuff, and multiple so called normal ppl try sketchy stuff, Kindof makes you use street smarts even when your trying to enjoy fishing and relax, i dont turn my back on ppl regardless of there socioeconomic status. Im practically a bum anyhow..Just a different kind of a bum. I hope i didn't offend anyone by my post, just thought i would share my story ;) Cheers, Bob
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I fish down there by myself all the time, and have never had an issue with the homeless people, treat them like people and they'll do the same. The majority of us are one or two paychecks away from their situation, we're just fortunate enough to retain jobs...So don't be rude to 'em....It's called Karma.
JeannaJigs said:
I fish down there by myself all the time, and have never had an issue with the homeless people, treat them like people and they'll do the same. The majority of us are one or two paychecks away from their situation, we're just fortunate enough to retain jobs...So don't be rude to 'em....It's called Karma.

you couldn't be more right. I have even hung out with bums before. Maybe its because of my shady past but i feel for them. And for karma i give bums change and smokes and beer all the time if and when i can and it pays off. Gave a guy like $1 in change a week ago and i ended up giving a guy a ride in my boat and towing him last weekend and got $20 Karma that's the proof.

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