Looking to "Hook" My Daughter

This is probably a common experience, but my sister and I got hooked into fishing at a young age through the efforts of my grandfather. We took camping trips every summer into the Adirondack mountains in NY and the fishing offered a bonanza of panfish (bluegill and perch mostly), plus some bass, trout, and pike. Eventually, I was into trout and bass fishing, but there's no doubt that my sister and I fell in love with the activity from the early success that came with active panfish catching.

So now I have a daughter who almost 11 and who loves the outdoors, but found it a little boring when we have taken her with us trout fishing in the area. What I am hoping to find, therefore, is somewhere we can take her that will offer more opportunities to be successful in her efforts to fish, and let's face it, 5" Bluegill tugging a line fairly consistently is much more exciting than waiting an hour (or more) for that good trout to finally hit.

Thus, I am hoping to find some suggestions here amongst other Oregon fishing enthusiasts who might be able to direct my wife and I to places in the Springfield/Eugene area that will help us get her as excited about fishing as we are.
Welcome to the forum. A trout farm might be the answer. I don't know however if you have them in your area. Ask Google ;)
Thanks :) Ironically, when I searched for Trout Farms, I found a "Trout for Tikes" site for Oregon, and for the region, it suggested JC Pond, Alton Baker Park, and Cottage Grove Ponds. :D

I am hoping to find out if any of the above offer more consistent action for kids (and it wouldn't hurt if it offered a chance for real fishing for the adults, either :P).
You might have to wait a little bit longer for the blue gills to start biting. Im from Medford so i can't help u with where to go. but once it warms up more try worms or a jig from a bobber :)
Hey Any of those place you mentioned can be hot if you hit them after a fresh stocking. I have been to alton baker and seen 15+ fish days just one after another. Nothing like showing up after a truck for some fun. One day on the willamette at D street park we seen some fish jump while walking down to the better holes and decided to cast a line in where we ussually never get fish. In about 2 hours me and 3 other guys had easily got into 100 fish. When I was a kid we would fish off the bridge you can see that goes over the weyrehauser slough at 42nd street. It was a blast you could watch them stike. Now I can't get a bite. Ballanger pond off of 52nd street has bluegills. I have seen guys show up with buckets and kill them right from the bank and take em home for BBQ's. I always see people and there kids fishing for them when ever I take my boat there to try for bass. Let me know if you need directions. This is always in the summer don't know how it will be right now. You could always go cast out some worms directly below the dam at fern ridge at night for some cats. Between 4 of us we got about 50 of them one cold night in february last year.
When the water gets to around 65F You can start fishing for bluegills. But right now its mostly trout. Summer is a good time to take kids beause its warm and fun.
Awesome stuff, guys. Thanks. I'll definitely keep all of the above in mind as the weather warms up. It was a beautiful day today so we just went out and walked the Alton Baker Park paths and enjoyed the scenery, fresh air. I must admit, the waterway there didn't strike me as particularly conducive to good fishing at first glance, but I suppose that's what stocking is for. ;)

I'll keep an eye out on the ODFW Stocking Schedule to see if we can't time it some week for one of the local waterways.

Thuggin... a pond with panfish and bass sounds like a winner (when the season hits - I enjoy bass fishing, even if my wife doesn't so much). I will take you up on that offer for directions, I expect.

I appreciate all the quick input and will definitely make good use of the bookmark I have to these forums.
I thot Ballanger Pond is closed.
JC and AB Ponds are always good for a couple days after stocking. Cottage Grove is very good for kids and the fishing lasts a lot longer. There is no way for the fish to get out and there are no Cormorants! Don't waste your time at Creswell Pond it is too weedy.
there are 3 ponds back there. 2 behind a fence and one that isn't. the have never cared about us fishing there in the pas an the only way to launch a boat is right behind the ballenger co itself.
I agree with Ron, Cottage Grove pond is a sure thing, just check the stocking report, and be sure it was stocked recently. I went there last week and caught fish on a Power egg almost instantly, I was fly fishing, but having a hard time as there are a lot of trees and brush to get tangled on, and it was windy. So I tossed out a power egg and had a fish within seconds. I tried it one more time at the end of the day, and counted how long it was in the water, 20 seconds, and fish on!
soon the umpqua is where it will be good to take the kids, tons of small mouth bass and sunfish and crappie, what a blast
nwkiller said:
soon the umpqua is where it will be good to take the kids, tons of small mouth bass and sunfish and crappie, what a blast

im gonna fish the umpqua this year for bass, for the first time. ill have a reports and lots pictures. :D :)
Excellent. I am familiar with the Cottage Grove Ponds, having gone there once, but we had no luck. Odds are, though, as we randomly stopped there, it wasn't close to when they stocked it. We used to fish quite a bit above Dorena Lake on the Row. Good and relaxing, with some decent fish, but didn't offer much action for my daughter (who opted to explore the wilderness instead).

I am not familiar with the Umpqua at all, but sounds like it's worth investigating once the weather gets a little warmer.

Thanks again all... hopefully, we'll put this information to good use very soon.

Edit: Having confused myself as to which ponds where which, I am going to note that the Cottage Grove Ponds are the ones near the BMX bike course on the road towards Dorena. I hope I got that right. :D

I have never been to the Junction City Pond.
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for the cottage grove ponds you park at the weighstation and walk the trail back about 200-300 yards and its the first pond on your right. as far as junction city pond it usually works pretty good for me but sometimes its really slow.
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