john day steelies

i'm going to the john day tommorow and was wondering what to troll with. or is it better to just bobber fish with eggs or sand shrimp? any help would be awesome.
fitterdent said:
i'm going to the john day tommorow and was wondering what to troll with. or is it better to just bobber fish with eggs or sand shrimp? any help would be awesome.

I have never fished it for steelies but my neighbor does. He used flame orange Kwik fish and wiggle warts. K-12's I think??
My brother went up there last weekend and landed three (natives so catch and release) steelhead on bobber and sand shrimp. So that would be my vote!

should i put a spin and glow on there with the sand shrimp also? if so what color?
Well I'm certain he did not...but that's not to say it's not a good idea. I'm still green though. I would say - try both! ;)
on saturday i only had one bite, i had it on and lost it. guys in boats weren't doing very good (only 2 or three caught) but i saw 6 landed on the bank, out of 4 guys fishing. the only problem was they were all wild. :( all the fish including what the boats caught were wild. i didn't hear of anyone catching a keeper.
Here is the answer to why the ratio of wild to hatchery steelhead is so lopsided in the John Day. It comes from the ODFw web page.

John Day River

The summer steelhead fishery here has much in common with coastal winter steelhead streams. There are no hatchery fish released into the John Day River and approximately 90 to 95 percent of those caught throughout the entire basin are wild and must be released unharmed. Any hatchery steelhead are strays from other streams and are found mostly in the lower portions of the river below Cottonwood Bridge.

I used to make the drive up there and pull the boat. We would launch at LePage park. This is all down by the mouth where it dumps into the Columbia. We would go up river to the narrows and pull magnum wiggle warts. We mostly caught wild fish. Once in a while we would hook a lost Idaho B run steelhead. We would do most of our fishing in November and after "Cold". Now days I spent the effort on the Sandy. It's a wee bit closer.
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My bro and his buddy landed 9 steelies between them out at John Day today. I (of course) couldn't make it due to family obligations. Out of the 9, only one was a hatch keeper.

I should get a few pics in the coming days, which I will pass along.
Here are the pics I promised

Here are the pics I promised

I'm (finally) going to make the trip Wednesday...hope to have the same action they did!
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can i get directions to that spot:)
hehehe...yea, head east till you hit the John Day ;-)

If I told they would kill me. But I'm told I can say it "A couple miles up from the narrows"...
I'm not trying to be a d1ck but.... "that's good of those guys NOT to take the native fish out of the water.... oh wait"

joesnuffy said:
I'm not trying to be a d1ck but.... "that's good of those guys NOT to take the native fish out of the water.... oh wait"

You must have missed the pic of the fish being released unharmed
that's the only fish where there is no visible adipose fin. :P
joesnuffy said:
that's the only fish where there is no visible adipose fin. :P
Not sure I understand your point (according to you) they were keeping the natives and releasing the hatch...?

Not much logic there.

Or maybe I'm misunderstanding and you just need to clarify. My apologies if that's the case.
my point was that the regs clearly state the you "are not" to remove native fish from the water. Even for the photo. I didn't say that they kept them.

I love getting those pictures too but you have to keep those fish "IN" the water. Do what you want with the hatchery fish.
Thank you for the much clearer point. And I will be having that discussion with my little bro about it. I was not there.

But my intention was to share the pics to the OFF members asking about the action on the river as of late...not to get 'dickery'. Nat's were released unharmed, as shown in the pic.
You know as far as I see it as long as they are released what does it matter. Now I pretty sure this is going to get something started but if you ask me you should be able to keep the nats as well as the hach to me a fish is a fish is a fish. (I'm not saying I keep the nats) Just don't get the point or reason why you can't
bigdog said:
You know as far as I see it as long as they are released what does it matter. Now I pretty sure this is going to get something started but if you ask me you should be able to keep the nats as well as the hach to me a fish is a fish is a fish. (I'm not saying I keep the nats) Just don't get the point or reason why you can't
Oh boy did you just up the ante! ;)

(ducks and hides)
mgdguy said:
Oh boy did you just up the ante! ;)

(ducks and hides)

:lol::lol: Yeah I know :lol::lol:

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