Invasive species

So I just found out that if you have a registered boat you don't have to buy the $5 pemit until you re-register the boat.
Thuggin4Life said:
So I just found out that if you have a registered boat you don't have to buy the $5 pemit until you re-register the boat.
yeah yeah....about time we do not get F'ed
sadly I have to permit my pontoon this year... 6 inches over the limit. damnit
The truly bogus thing here is the license is good for the person who buys it not the boat. Does this mean that everybody who rents a canoe or raft will have to buy one or do those businesses get a pass?

Stinks for the people who rent our house in central oregon and want to use our canoes and rafts. Rather than me buy passes for all 7 boats everyone who wants to use them will need a permit and have to carry one on each boat. Super Lame considering only a few ever go anywhere but the Deschutes and that was many years ago to nearby Elk Lake. Looks like i need to replace them all with boats under 10'.

Can I register unmotorized craft like 12' canoes and a variety of over 10' inflatables? Would that get me around having every family member and renter buy a pass for the boats?
the whole thing is screwy, a non motorized boat should not have to do this..... this is B.S.
I want to know what's the difference between an 8 ft and a 10 ft boat besides 2ft. Are invasive species less likely to cling to my 8ft pontoon than a 10ft one?
No i think the deal is even the small solo drift boats are 10 ft so thats how they stick it to them guys with drift boats everyone else is just a bonus.
So the permit is for the person using the small boat?:confused:
We have 3 kayaks. One is a tandem. If we take another couple out how many permits do I need? :think:
If I take a different couple out 2 days later do I need new permits?:think:
That makes no F--ing sense.:mad:
Maybe I should read the propaganda sheet to be sure.;)
Each paddler needs a permit. A single person can paddle as many watercraft as he desires, so long as he has the single permit.
Next up, taxing salmon caught for bringing in sea lice. 4 dollars per fish landed whether released or kept.
Sounds about right.
and, of course, no bounty for the INVASIVE BASS because it'll ruin sport fishing...
First off, I feel that if any boat/watercraft is required to have a permit, ALL boats/watercraft should be required. Invasive species hitch rides on wc's that move from one water body to another. Anyone going to try to argue with me that a 20' sled sees more bodies of water than, say, a 14' canoe, or a 36' cabin cruiser, or a 16' sail board for that matter?

Bottom line is that, if you use our water ways, you have the ability to introduce/spread invasives. What I like about this law is that it affects sportsman and recreational boaters alike. Jetskis and wakeboarders; cruisers and party barges...

It sucks that it had to happen, but, if you have never seen what things like Eurasian milfoil and Snakeheads can to to a body of water, you can't understand the severity of the situation. Let's just hope the money goes to prevention/education/treatment; as it is intended. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
I'm for it also, but I think the state screwed up on this one. The system is already in place, it wouldn't have been hard to just make ALL watercraft register, motorized or otherwise.

But this isn't the case.

Now I can go buy a motorboat, register it, and let ANYONE use it. But I can't let anyone use one of my kayaks UNLESS they have a permit.

And people don't know ANYTHING about this new law. The state says they'll be educating paddlers about this for the next six months before they start issuing fines. OK. But the NEED TO GET THE WORD OUT.

Today I came across two other guys out enjoying a paddle while I was fishing. They knew NOTHING about the permit. One had just gotten his kayak a month ago, the other had built his. They were both experienced kayakers. Had the state done a better job letting people know about this new law, they would have known about it. There's plenty of new coverage about the new cell phone law, but not this AISPP law.
I totally agree with all watercraft, regardless of size paying for a permit.
Paying the fee for different people using the same boat is goofy.
So wait for me i have to get it for my boat and don't have to till next year but you can't get on for a boat without a motor like a toon kyak or canoe you have to buy a personal stamp? that sounds silly.
Bennicus said:
Next up, taxing salmon caught for bringing in sea lice. 4 dollars per fish landed whether released or kept.
or 4.00 per lice found on each fish... just pathetic, the permits should be per boat not per person
I think we have a government solution looking for a problem. The solution always comes in the form of a tax and more government programs and oversite of our activities. I think we should make this tax retroactive and hit up the Mayflower. I'm not some big conspiracy guy, I just believe that government can be the biggest invasive species of all. In little nibbles they add and increase taxes and absorb your freedoms. There are enough funds there now to do what they say they are going to do with the money from this new tax. To fish out of my 22' boat I need the following:

Boat Registration (Tax)
Trailer license (Tax)
Drivers License (Tax)
Fishing License (Tax)
Salmon Tag (Tax)
Fuel (Tax) truck
Gas (gas tax) Boat
Boaters License (Tax)
Truck registration (Tax)
Shell Fish License (Tax)
If I take my camper (Tax) for it too
New invasive species Tax
Most of the ubove taxes have all increased over the last two years.

Hell you can't even float the Deschutes river in an inner tube without a permit and a life jacket.

I spent 30 years working in government and can testify that there is a great deal of waste. Not all intentional, it just that there is no insentive to save, it's not their money it has no real value.
One very minor example: The agency I was working for was buying packset holders (radio holders) for $54 from Motorola. I found a local place where I could get a better product for $12. I could not belive the hassle I had to go through to save that agency some money. It would have been easier to go with the flow and that's what happens most of the time. If I knew the taxes I paid were going to be put to good use, I'd pay them with a smile. I'm not smilling now.

This rant ought to sovle the problem huh! Lewis and Clark got off easy!
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EDUCATION is the answer .
1 How long will a snail live out of water ?

2 How long will a snail live in a water pump?

3 One snail will become (1million in how long) ?

4 Can my dogs collar transport snails ?

5 Does the lower Rogue River have snail?

6 How hot does the water need to be to kill thing?
30 days
1 year

The next time you wade in the Rogue or have you dog fetch a stick you may think about snails. I'm just a old guy I will never live to see these things take over. I never thought I would live to see the ocean closed or the salmon & steelhead have a limit of 5-10 per year. Just my take in only 65 years
When I read about the invasive species legislation, I wrote to the Marine Board to make sure I was reading the rules correctly. They informed me that each person paddling alone in an unpowered, unregistered craft over ten feet had to have their own permit to operate the boat.

I then forwarded my question and their reply to my state sentator and state representative and expressed my opinion of their stupidity in passing this lame law.

I received this reply from them the next day:

"Thank you for your email. I spoke with the Marine Board regarding your concerns. Yesterday, ODFW and the Marine Board met and decided due to significant public concern and wanting the program to succeed that they were dropping the requirement that the name on the permit match the name of the holder. Functionally, a boat owner will be able to buy multiple tags and loan them out to people who borrow the watercraft. Each watercraft will require 1 valid permits. I hope this clears up your concerns. Please let me know if you have any questions."
Anna Haley
Senior Legislative Assistant
900 State Street S-223
Salem, OR 97301

So relax, get one permit for your pontoon, canoe or whatever you use, and you can share the boat with any number of people.

If they really want to control invasive species coming into Oregon, put boat inspection stations at the border and inspect every boat entering the state and charge them a fee. Ninety percent of the boats in Oregon never leave the state and therefore will never be importing invasive species. Let the people creating the problem pay for the solution.
Razz said:
EDUCATION is the answer .
1 How long will a snail live out of water ?

2 How long will a snail live in a water pump?

3 One snail will become (1million in how long) ?

4 Can my dogs collar transport snails ?

5 Does the lower Rogue River have snail?

6 How hot does the water need to be to kill thing?
30 days
1 year

The next time you wade in the Rogue or have you dog fetch a stick you may think about snails. I'm just a old guy I will never live to see these things take over. I never thought I would live to see the ocean closed or the salmon & steelhead have a limit of 5-10 per year. Just my take in only 65 years
very good points you made and i agree with all of them !!! this is pathetic, just another excuse to suck money from the man...

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