Interactive Wilson River fishing map

Well-known member
I created this Wilson River fishing map after reading several peoples frustration with finding good holes on the Wilson. It's a work in progress and all are welcome to edit the map and add some holes of there own. You can even go back and edit description of holes to add how you did when you fished there. I think this is a really neat idea and hope some other people do the same for there favorite river. It will really benefit a lot of people. Anyways here's the link, enjoy!

Interactive Wilson River Fishing Map - Google Maps
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Interactive Wilson River fishing map

Very cool idea, nice work!
That's fantastic. I'll be heading out there this winter and this is a valuable resource. Thanks!
I added a couple of my spots to the map as well.
Sweet, this things starting to look pretty good. By the end of the winter it will have probably all the major holes on it.
I just took a look at it and it looks like there are 12 or 13 of the biger holes on it already. Thanks for taking the time to do it. There are 4 or five othere holes I think I know about but want to make sure they are not already on there before I add them.
What an OFFer!

What an OFFer!

This thread is OFFicially a "sticky" so everyone can find it and use the heck out of it. Way to go,Jay! :clap: :dance:
hey thanks for making this guys i know i will use it a lot!!!! will add to it if i can!
Thanks for all the maps you guys put together. This really helps us newbies.:clap:
That map is just freaking awesome we need some more, I will start GPS marking my spots to make one of these for the Nestucca
That's awesome, it's really not very hard. The only I'm coming across is you have to have a google account to sign in to edit them.
ok, first of all, beaverfan what you have done is very gracious, and in many ways cool and it is the trend of the futer, buuuuuut for me, and many others, its not so much catching the fish... as much as finding the fish, I know this modern tool of google can't be denied, but some of my best memories are of learning a river, finding a river, and conquring a river... man you just made that easy... this has killed such an important part of being a fisherman.... soon we will be baiting their hooks.... I guess I will just stand in the tailout catching leaves.... Sometimes I really hate this porn machine... it takes the search out of life... and isn't that half the challenge? But please, im not dissing the resource, im just saddened.
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yea,,,what a great idea,,this helps tremendously...ill have to do the same
with things as tight as they are for many people right now, I think these maps are just the thing for new comers and people who only get out and fish every so often but never seem to get in to any fish. These maps take care of spending years searching for good water, something that will help make the most out of a limited reource outing for a lot of people. You can still do things the old fashioned way if you choose and because you know how to you wont forget anytime soon. I would rather see people hit the ground running. All it takes is a few fishless trips to ruin a prospective enthusiast forever! Once they learn the right spots and the right presentation they are all set and they will continue to pump money in to the fishery.
I agree with halibuthitman and i understand what he's really does kill the fun
No doubt beaverfan has done a very neat job but i still believe in learning ol school.....learning and finding fishable water is an art in itself ......if you want it done through map... there's a DEX to find a store to get salmon...

Beaverfan----this is no way pointing fingers at you. Its just about the "whole idea".

Fishtastic.....i see what you'r saying...i duely agree that lot of enthusists give up cuz they never get to fish the "right hole" or were never at right spot at the right time.....but then its fishing..lets not make it a blockbuster or mc donalds....let the sweat run out and let people's anguish hit to the point where they start learning ...where fish is and where's not....

i'm not looking to argue on this but lets just we really love fishing and enjoy it.....understanding the minute details of this sport connecting with nature...or do we want to call ourselves " ARMCHAIR HUNTER"....

think about it!
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I see your guys point a little bit. But I also see all these same holes printed on maps in my fishing in oregon book and on the maps they sell all over the place. All I did was make the info more accesible.
To further add to this, I think this map in particular was really created to help all of the folks attending the Lonnie Bird Memorial Fish Off, people who have never been to the Wilson River but are willing to drive several hours for a one day event, the map will help to even the odds a little and will allow them to cover the water they see fit, i.e. if the river is off color and high down low, they can look at the map and determine some areas to fish higher up with out wasting a bunch of time driving around. Part of the Fish Off is to test a new product, the best way I know to test a product is to keep it in the water as much as possible to give the product the chance. If you spend the day driving the road looking for fishy water then you are not giving that product the best opportunity to perform.
That is exactly why I made it. I figured more people could use it if I posted it.
I would also like to add, that even though the holes listed on there are some of the holes that me and Beaverfan have used ourselves and have had some success there, that doesn't necessarily mean that those holes will be hot come the 12th. The fish could very well be elsewhere. There are a TON of holes on the Wilson, some easy to get to and many not so easy to get to. So just because we tossed a few markers down to help people get started, we arent guaranteeing anybody will get into fish there.

Just a way to start people new to the river out.

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