Wilson River Cutthroat Trout Fishing

Headed to the Wilson river after work Friday and fished around mile post 26 and 27. Spent most of my time trying to find a place to fish, way tooooo many sunbathers and partyers. Everytime I found a good spot someone already had it. Eventually I found a good stretch and caught 20-25 little ones (smolts). Just as I was getting ready to leave I hooked into a beautiful native cutthroat trout! Absolutely gorgeous fish. Caught it on a elk hair caddis, throwing it into the white water of a small pool.

Wilson River Cutthroat Trout Fishing


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Thanks!! I kinda feel guilty, kept him out of the water just so I could get some good pics. Took awhile to revive it. His spots and red slash were unbelievable. Fish like this is what its all about. Nice to know some of our rivers are still healthy enough to produce fish like this.
Wow. That spot isn't any bigger than a crick!

But, you done good. That is one of the prettiest fish that I've seen in a spell.
Way to go!

I must admit, I prefer to bring in a cutthroat due to their beauty. Something about their look sings to me and I'm hearing your's superbly. Again, nice going!
Yeah, the Wilson is running a lot lower this year than it did this same time last year. I fished it on Thursday, and probably hit some of the same spots the OP did. Fishing for cutties was good - my biggest fish was about 12". I never got any fish on dries :( they just weren't looking up - but a swung soft hackle did GREAT.

Love the pix man - great job.

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