High lakes thread..

Well-known member
I figured I would start a thread about how to get to some of the high mountain lakes.. I will update this as I have time and explore more this summer.. Anyone willing to contribute would be welcome.. I will be adding more for Olallie area in the near future..

These lakes are up behind harriet lake

Buck Lake - bout 8 acre lake /w a couple camp spots, bout 1/2 mile hike in.. You take NFSR 57 past harriet lake and hang a left on NFSR 58 go up a mile or so and take a right on NFSR 5810 and ride it for about 8 or 9 miles then you will see a road take off to the left this is NFSR 210 it is barely marked but usually has spray paint in the intersection up this road about a mile there is a large pullout on the left hand side of the road enough to put like 10 cars in.. trainhead is right there.. good rainbow and cuttie lake bank access is rough but fishes well..

Pyramid Lake - bout 6 acre lake w/ 8 or 10 camp spots, bout 1/2 mile hike in.. You take NFSR 57 past harriet lake and hang a left on NFSR 58 go up maybe 5 miles, make sure to stay right when you get to the fork with NFSR 5830 to stay on 58.. you take a left on NFSR 210, this road is unimproved.. a subaru can make it but with some good driving.. take 210 to the end, it will dead end at the trail head in a parking area big enough for like 10 cars... good rainbow lake but rough bank access

Hideaway Lake - bout 8 acre lake 1/8 mile hike at most.. You take NFSR 57 past harriet lake and hang a left on NFSR 58 go up maybe 3 miles, make sure to take a left when you get to the fork with NFSR 5830 to get on 5830.. keep going on it for like 8 miles, stay to the left when you get to the fork with NFSR 130 to stay on 5830 until you see a turnoff on your left for the lake, it should be marked.. good rainbow lake and decent bank access
Good idea but you can count me out on the give away your favorite hike in lake.
I am not going to list which of these lakes is my favorite.. just info.. people can try them out and judge for themself.. I am not worried about hike in lakes getting crowded too many lazy fishin folks.. Just post up some info and share, you don't have to go into to much detail..
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Irish Taylor lakes are 2 of my favorites,,,i ride a dirt bike to get to em....
SEASON: June to October
LOCATION: between Irish and Taylor Lakes

ACCESS: from Bend, 46.0 miles west and south on Cascade Lakes Highway (46), then 0.8 miles west on F.S. Rd. 4635, then 1.7 miles south on F.S. Rd. 4630, and then 6.4 miles west on F.S. Rd. 4636, need high clearance vehicle for last 4 miles

ELEVATION: 5550 feet

FACILITIES: vault toilet

SITES: 6 Tent

SPECIAL ACTIVITIES: trails into Three Sisters Wilderness, PCT, need 4x4 clearance vehicle

OPERATED BY: Forest Service

FEE: per night per site

* None


* None
Olallie lakes area

Lower Lake - bout 10 acres w/ 4 campsites.. Take the Skyline rd. (main road) into Olallie(not the back way from detroit) and about a mile before reaching the main lake you will see Lower Lake Campground... Park there and at the back of the camp area there is a trail that leads to Lower lake. It is around 3/4 of a mile hike to the lake and another 1/4 mile to the end of the lake where the camp sites are. There is great bank access on the east side of the lake where the trail is, but if you want to get into more fish bushwack your way to the other side of the lake and make a fishing spot. a lot of cutties in there with a few rainbows as well.

Dark Lake/Long Lake - Dark is about 8 acres and Long is about 10 acres.. Long lake is about 2.5 mile hike and Dark is another 1.5 miles past Long lake.. No camping is allowed and you need a Warm Springs fishing permit... Park at the end of Peninsula Campground and walk along the south side of Olallie lake.. you will run into a trail that loops the lake.. follow it as if you were heading towards the butte/other side of the lake. this is in the burnout area so keep track of the trail and don't get off on a fire supression trail... when the tail takes you back into the actual forest again there will be an intersection in the trail... take a right and head due east on the trail.. this will take you along the side of the butte in the burnout area again.. follow the trail to Long Lake.. there is Orange spray paint on trees and logs marking the trail... Long lake is a decent brook lake with ok bank access.. keep on the trail following the north side of Long lake and it will take you down to the lake outlet.. cross the stream and follow the trail down to Dark Lake. Dark lake is FULL of brookies.. Decent bank access and is a beautiful site with 1/2 the lake rimmed with a 200 or 300 foot tall bolder ridge..

Head Lake/First Lake - 1 arce each they are right between Lower Lake Campground and Olallie lake. they are on the right hand side of skyline road... decent cuttie and rainbow lakes no real hiking required. Head lake has a couple campsites at it.. both are clear and for the most part shallow enough to see the fish.. Head lake out fishes First lake in my opinion.

Horseshoe Lake - 6 acre lake w/ 8 big campsites... taking Skyline rd. to Olallie lake and stay on it and go past the lake. Go past the next lake (Monon) and then the road gets rough and will test your driving skills in a Subaru but you can make it. Skyline dead ends at Horseshoe lake and turns into a 4-wheeling trail. No hiking required but hiking can pay off. There is a boat ramp and good bank access. It is advised to walk around the lake to the other side of the horseshoe.. there is a small deep area with a huge rock hillside on the other side of the lake. Rainbows are in the lake and a nice quite great fishing lake, just bring something else to do other then fishing because you won't be fishing to long ;)

I will detail Upper/Timber/Fish lakes in this area next..
More Olallie lakes...

Fish Lake - bout 20 acre lake /w a couple campsites.. Take Clackmas River Road(46) like you were going to Olallie lake and head up NFSR 4690(road that takes you to Skyline road that takes you to Olallie lake) after maybe 2 or 3 miles you can take a right on NFSR 4691 take the road to after a couple miles the road will split.. if you go right you go to Si Lake(never been there) if you stay left you will actually be on spur 120.. follow it to the end and your at the lake.. OR you can hike in by going past Lower lake(see above) and stay on the trail down the steep hillside, it is about a mile past Lower Lake and is a beautiful lookout right before you head down the hill.. you got to be a good 600-800 feet above Fish lake, this give you a good idea where the deeper spots of the lake are.. there is really good Rainbow fishing there and they get pretty decent size.. great bank access but rowing out to the middle(or swimming to the floating platform) will get you the bigger ones.

Timber Lake - about 5 acre lake no real camps spots.. take Skyline rd past Olallie Lake store and about a 1/2 mile past there is a turnout and trailhead. It is called Red Lake trail. Take the trail about 3/4 mile and you will see a spur trail that takes a left. Last time I checked it had a sign that said Timber Lake trail #733.. Take the trail about a 1/2 mile to the lake.. This lake fishes really well if it doesn't get winter kill. Last year it got winter kill but this year was much more mild and should have legal size rainbows in it.. decent bank access

Upper Lake - about 5 acre lake w/ 3 or 4 campsites.. take skyline rd, about 1/4 mile before the store and resort is the Pacific Crest Trail(pct). take off sw on the PCT and keeeeeeeeeep walking it is about 2 1/2 miles to Upper lake. Off the PCT you will take a right down a trail to the lake. The lake is only a couple hundred feet off the trail. This is a GREAT lake to fish when there isn't winterkill.. like Timber it lost fish last year but this year should be good. decent bank access, rainbows are what you are after..

Monon Lake - 30 or 40 acres w/ about 10 campsites... Taking Skyline rd. it is the lake just past(south) Olallie Lake trails lead around it and is a decent fishing lake but the fish don't get as big as they do in Olallie. It is shallow compared to Olallie and is usually warmer w/ a decent rainbow population... good bank access
Glad I found this thread, I was wondering if there was a thread about this.... and here it is. Any info on any lakes in the Eugene, Springfield areas??? Just wondering.
I haven't been down in that area to any high lakes but plan on making my way down there some time this summer to check out some I have circled on the map..

Please if anyone else has info please post in this.. Maybe it will get a sticky and all this info won't get lost..

I'm not out to spoil these lakes but just provide info to people looking for alittle adventure and fishing.. If anyone want MORE detail on a lake, PM me as I can go into a lot more detail on these but don't want to let all the info out and will be selective to whom I give secrets to..

If you are interested in a specific lake not listed please PM me and I will do a write-up on it if I have been there or know about it...
I was thinking about checking out a lake or two around the 4,000' elevation mark on Saturday. Has anybody been up that high lately? I know this has been a fairly dry winter but I don't want take any chances with 2WD.
I would say unless it is a maintained road you won't make it..
eggs said:
I haven't been down in that area to any high lakes but plan on making my way down there some time this summer to check out some I have circled on the map..

Please if anyone else has info please post in this.. Maybe it will get a sticky and all this info won't get lost..

I'm not out to spoil these lakes but just provide info to people looking for alittle adventure and fishing.. If anyone want MORE detail on a lake, PM me as I can go into a lot more detail on these but don't want to let all the info out and will be selective to whom I give secrets to..

If you are interested in a specific lake not listed please PM me and I will do a write-up on it if I have been there or know about it...

You have been stuck.....thanks for starting this thread, this site is all about sharing. Great job!!!!

I am going to be stuck going on Boy Scout outings and would love to steer the boys towards hikes that are 5-6 miles in on designated trails to camp by small lakes that are fishable. I read over most but anybody got one along those lines in the Hood area?
I havnt made it down there but this yea plan on hitting the mid cascade lakes only problem is you get a bigger influx people from bend area..
Camped at Wahtum Lake over Father's Day weekend. It was overcast and rainy at times. Caught 8 brookies the afternoon of Saturday, one measuring just over 11 inches. Float tube is a must have.
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This is awesome information!! We really appreciate it.
Has anyone been to Clear Lake off of highway 26 recently? I was there about ten years ago and the lake was completely full and this was around 4th of july weekend. There were so many fish that just about ever cast was worth it. My uncle caught on average a 9 pound trout practically every day we were there and they were always in the same spot. I was wondering because I went up there about 3 years later and there was about 300 more feet of bank than the last time i was there. I will be up there this weekend and will be going fishing somewhere up there but was wondering if it was even worth checking it out.
i have only heard great things about clear lake. let me know how you do, im going up there in a week. i know it gets stocked heavy, also check out carmen and trailbridge reservoirs, they get stocked also.
I looked up Carmen on google maps. The clear lake you are talkin about is a different one. The lake that I am at is up on Mt.Hood right off of highway 26. You are right though, for the clear lake you are talking about, I have only heard good things.
I have been at the Clear Lake off 26 three times this summer and caught tons of fish every time trolling and a few nice ones off the bank. Most trolling ford fenders and wedding ring lures with worms. Catch stocker after stocker but had one morning where we got into the brooks and had five on over 15 inches but only boated one 18

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