heading out to chinook.

Troutier Bassier

Active member
Hey everyone, Im heading out to chinook later on today after I vacum. :mad:

But neways, I will give you a report on what I ctach there.

I heard there are guys fishing for bass crappie and bluegill on the tube and there are a lot of peamouth on the rock pile. PLUS!! I heard that there is sturgeon in the 40 foot hole there.

Gonna try all of it out.
Well I dident really go to chinook, But I went camping on the columbia, There was a beach above the sandy and we decided to stay there. Me and my friend set up our camp(on the boat lol) And started fishing, Caught 11 Suckerfish, 8 Peamouth, 2Bass and 2 Pikeminow for the whole day. Awesome.


you said you were going to Chinook, is that a lake?? can't find any body of water listed in the state with that name other than lake billy chinook.
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