I don't want to sell out a big secret... but the term flyfishing in these creeks is thrown around rather loosely, a lot of guys, myself in particular are actually just side drifting yarn.... with a flyrod. You can also do a nymphing style presentation of any kind of yarn, or when the conditions approve fish the leech which I adore so much. But day in day out yarn tied to a hook is the "killer" fly, I fish black egg sucking leeches anytime I can, and have had days of numorous fish with them, but a lot of the time I just put black yarn on a hook, with a little pink, yellow, or red... but the black is the outfit.... the colors are the shoes. I would fish the five wt on the sandy or clack, but not the creeks. If the creek you are fishing has say a fish every 7 hrs average, then you lose a fish, you might not see another fish until your next trip. The five is cool if its september and your standing in the deschutes.... but not these creeks, and watch the rotator cuff on one of them 9wts.... 7-8 is ideal in small water. I love fishing a freight train or any of its other true steelhead fly friends, but these actually require a certain kind of water.... so why only fish 3 spots on a river.... when yarn gives you the whole thing?