Florence jetty fishing in Feb

Im going to florence for sun-mon, I was wondering how the jetty fishing is this time of year? Whats the best bait? What species are there this time of year? How far do I need to go down the jetty for the best fishing? Is there good clamming there, if so where? Any advice is greatly appreciated, its been a few months since Ive been able to do any fishing so Im dying to be out in this sunny weather and doing some fishing:)
thanks ya'll
I can't tell you where to go because Ive never been down there before, but I think lingcod spawn around the jettys this time of year and you can catch them on curly tailed leadhead jigs or swimbaits like those storm wildeye shad.
Florence Jetty isn't the most productive Jetty to fish. I have talked with a dozen people plus made 4 trips there myself and only manged a couple little sea bass. There are times when Perch can be caught off that jetty but I don't know when. Two much more productive places are the fingers at Newports N jetty or south. Or Winchester bay. Be super careful, Fish Slack, Incoming and a bit of the outgoing. I never fish ocean side of North Jetties because of the waves. Lings like big swim baits or live. Most fishing is done with sand shrimp on a pyramid weight, 2-6 oz or as needed to keep on the bottom. Cast out 6-10 beyond the rocks and wait. Jigging you will lose a ton of gear unless you find a good hole. If you go for ling use at least 50lb, I like braid, with a strong leader. Check often for nicks, and never give a ling slack line and have a very good long net or a capable friend to nab em before they know what is going on. Lings usually hang out farther out the jetties so watch the tides and waves. Good luck and if you go up to Newport (which I would) there is a good bait and tackle shop down on the bay that has good advice and can hook you up. Plus you can get your fish cleaned for a buck each.
I was just going to post on this. I have heard that Lingcod and sea bass can be caught this time of year. I'm just starting to get gear together. Kind of early since I usually go during the summer. If ya don't mind posting what worked that would be cool.

Safety first.
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pick up some sand shrimp, and sink that baby to the bottom near the rocks. but again florence jetty isn't the most productive jetty, i have luck off the dock in good crabbing season, but only managed staghorns and greenling. defentely let us know how you do, and good luck
well i went out monday a couple hrs b4 slack tide. I went to sportsmans on 101 and they told me the surf perch were running and to go to Silctoos beach. I went there and used tried sandshrimp, jigs, and sandshrimp jigs. Not one hit the whole time; the wind was bad and blowing in my face as was the rain so after a couple hrs I left there and tried the river on the north side by the jetty. Again nothing exept a few crabs that got hooked on the sandshrimp. Next time i go ocean fishin Im goin to newport off the jetty. I would be interested in going surf fishing again if someone who knows how to do so successfully wanted to show meet up there and show me how.
well i went out monday a couple hrs b4 slack tide. I went to sportsmans on 101 and they told me the surf perch were running and to go to Silctoos beach. I went there and used tried sandshrimp, jigs, and sandshrimp jigs. Not one hit the whole time; the wind was bad and blowing in my face as was the rain so after a couple hrs I left there and tried the river on the north side by the jetty. Again nothing exept a few crabs that got hooked on the sandshrimp. Next time i go ocean fishin Im goin to newport off the jetty. I would be interested in going surf fishing again if someone who knows how to do so successfully wanted to show meet up there and show me how.

try again tomorrow noaa say's 4ft swells and minimal wind which adds up to wonderful I'll be in florence out on the south jetty trying out some new ling lures. FISH-ON!!!
uggg!! that sucks for me cuz I have school and work this week. I really wish that I could go fishin. Next time I go ill let ya know nxt time i go to the coast if ur interested in goin fishin. Let me know how u do.
Florence is horrible for beach/jetty fishing. Head south to Coos Bay and fish off the north jetty or any accessable place off the rocks near Charleston. The lingcod are in close right now and will be agressive and spawning for the next couple months. Blacks, perch, and sea trout are always pretty simple to catch wind and swell permitting.
possible secret

possible secret

depends on what your trying to get, in past years i have found that if i want a nice green ling or black bass or even crab, i could just throw on a fat earth worm. The better tasting fish...(excluding crab) will not fall for this trick. Rainbow perch, and cabz will smash sand shrimp.....as for ling cod, throw on a nice jig, hell do the double set up jig, leader, jig, mainline!!! good luck
well here's my 2 cents.I know it's at least worth that.I was out @ siltcoos beach thursday it took me at least an hour or 2 but, at 2:30 the perch started hitting my sandshrimp like crazy I even caught em' two at a time.it was a blast!!!,And as far as fishing the jetty in florence(south ocean side)I can catch my limit of some really nice rockgreenling any day of the week.I've also caught two keeper lings and one really nice cab so far this year.It's not most productive jetty but,living here it's a kick for me....FISH ON!!!
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Besides the Jetty in Florence, there is good flounder fishing in the triangle at Winchester Bay (about a foot long) and misc rockfish around the inlets when u can get out there.

Also ive heard quite a few people have caught California Halibut (not pacific) in Coos Bay while trolling for salmon.
im i lil bit jealous of you living there, i would b on the jetty at least once a week. ill prob hit it up again sometime in the nxt few months but I want to try winchester bay and newport the next 2 times.
so how do you fish that triangle in winchester?never been.I zoomed in on google maps and seen it? must be south jetty I seen the big inclosed triangle.do ya fish in the triangle? Is that jetty as hard walking as florence?
Yes you can park down by the CG tower and walk over the dune. There are big culverts that go from jetty into the bay and the best fishing is around those when the tide is either slack or not running to hard. Ive seen guys in kayaks in there as well. Also when the tide is low, there is good clamming around the oyster beds.

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