Fishing the clack

I live in clackamas and I want to go fishing there (Oregon city) what kind of fish can I catch there?
Steelhead, salmon, rainbow trout. There are lots of spots to choose from on the clack. High Rock (salmon), Barton park, McIver Park (near dog creek and also near the River Mill Dam. the other side of the river near the dam is accessible through Timber Park), Eagle Creek (feeds into the Clack in Estacada), and there used to be a spot behind Sah-Hah-Lee golf course (accessible from Clackamas River Dr.) but word is that the landscape has changed which filled in the holes. I've heard of people fishing near Riverside Park, but I have never been there. A good guy to visit is Gary Waterhouse of Great American Tackle. His store is located on old 82nd (exit 12 off 205) across from the Fred Meyer. He knows that area very well and is full of fishing knowledge. Hope that helps.
I think its called the clackamette river anyone know about that I know the have salmon and chad during the year anything else
Clackamette is the name of the park where the Clackamas and Willamette converge, just north of Oregon City. I have never really seriously fished from that park purely because of the volume of people. Last year i did pull a few steelies up on my lunch breaks there... The Clackamas river can be very frugal year round with the right setup. Bring a variety of spinners 'n stink bait and call the guys at G.A.T. Mr. Waterhouse has turned my dad and i on to some very nice spots on the Clack. no more than 20 minutes from the shop.
What do use to be successful at catching rainbow trout there, I thought there was only sea run cuts, or just a small population. I always thought that its main population of fish is Steelies and Salmon, and shad.
FishSchooler said:
What do use to be successful at catching rainbow trout there, I thought there was only sea run cuts, or just a small population. I always thought that its main population of fish is Steelies and Salmon, and shad.

If your goin out for rainbows I would recommend going to McIver, and bring some nice spinners and of course worms n' stink dough. With the spinners, bring some really bright colors, some real natural ones, and a couple in between. It all depends on clarity, if the water is clear, go natural. Turbid water, hit the brights, and so on, so forth. They have a hatchery there, and you will catch a lot of small trout, but every 5 or so fish seems to be 12"-14". That is a big trout. Good eating too if you aren't a C&R guy.
Is there a way to access the resevour (River Mill) from McIver Park?
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McIver is a little far away... Whats the population down near Clackamette park? I would really like a close by trout fishery.
I have a orange/red rooster tail and a yellow/green rooster tail, would those classify as natural?
There are tons of trout fisheries in oregon, the lower clackamas is not one of them. Leave your trout gear at home and bring your salmon and steelhead gear if you are going to fish the clackamas.
susqwahanna said:
Is there a way to access the resevour (River Mill) from McIver Park?

No there isn't, on the Estacada side of the river you can use Timber Park to get down to the river near the dam. McIver just puts you down in front of the dam like Timber Park. You actually might be able to get to the reservoir, but if I remember, it is closed off with a fence. Dam hole is normally pretty good though, for steels and kings.

FISH - If you do want to fish for trout on the Clack, go up to the N. Fork Res. Full of stockers, and the bankers do better than boaters because there are so many high schoolers with dads lame ski boat, seeing whose is fastest...Ugh, but yes there are a goob load o trout. If you have a rod for steelhead, spool your spinning reel up with 10-12 lb and go for steelies. So much fun on light tackle. Stay out of fast water, and holes with chutes goin in or out. You will lose the fish if the water gets goin too fast on light line. You know buddy, i would try Riverside Park too. It is just off old 82nd near Gladstone. Just hit me that you are out of Lake O. You can walk about a mile of bank, and there are some trout up thata way. Your rooster tails sound on the brighter side of the scale, but i think they would produce. If anything a worm under a bobber at Riverside. You will catch somethin.
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Upper Clackamas

Upper Clackamas

I spent a few days up at Clear Lake(Mt. Hood) camped out no fish moved to upper Clackamas upstream from Austin Hot Springs camped out caught & released(the rule there) lots of wild trout; rainbows, cutthroats and a few brookies. Hooked a into a wild winter steelhead(ODFW won't let summer steelhead, which are not native, up that far) released it and later caught a wild spring Chinnok released it too. Took some cool pics GoogleEarth posted them permanent the other day. In GoogleEarth go to Panaramio look for pics by Jnakin.
All in all a great vacation, the Clackamas part. Had a heck of a T-storm on the upper Clackmas, shot cool video of lightning above my campspot scared the bejeebas out-of-me & I found out forest fire started six miles from me. Awesome.
Tomorrow is supposedly the last dump into the Alton-Baker Canal of 600 one pounders. Thinking of going. Lots of times the hatchery people will load some real big fish into the tankers. Almost a tradition.


bigfootfish...da Google man......

bigfootfish...da Google man......

Thanks for the report,bigfootfish. Sounds like you had quite an experience up there! Glad you made out alright with the fishing down lower. Last month the thunder and lightning took it's own sweet time going over our house here in Dallas. I know I don't have any ba-jeeba's left in me either!
That is totally awesome about Google permanently displaying your photo. Congratulations! There are a bunch of you photogs on the forum, ya know.
Let us know how you did if you made it back out today. Thanks.


Hi, Barb. Thanks and can I ask a question? How do I get to my photos you say I have in the forum? I can't seem to figure out how to get there. This website could be more user-friendly. I also have a 5 mega-pixel camera and it takes great photos but OFF has such tiny pic limits.

bigfootfish said:
I also have a 5 mega-pixel camera and it takes great photos but OFF has such tiny pic limits.BFF

I'm jealous, my Canon just 2 mp. :( As for pic limits - they are default. As no one before indicated this problem I didn't change settings. What limits you would consider "good"?
pic limits

pic limits

Hi. Well, a lot of my photos are in the 4 MB range, though some go as low as 700 kb. How's that for starters?

Gotcha. The thing is about the picture dimensions. In configuration of the forum it set to max width 700 pixels & max height 600 pix. The pictures with bigger dimensions just don't feet the monitor screen of most users. Of course there are some lucky guys who have huge monitors, but they are just 2%. So that's why pictures have to be resized to 700X600. And if you resize you pictures you will have no problem with posting them as a 5 mb picture will become a 100k one after resizing. Do you have any photo editing software?

P.S. Do you have your pictures published online? May be on another forum or something? Were you able to upload 5M pix? I agree that it should be not your problem when you want to upload a picture but my problem to make it as easy as possible for you. However I don't have a solution right now. But I'll make a little research - may be I'll find something.

P.P.S. Thanks Bigfootfish for helping us make our nice place nicer :clap:
Photog is an avid photographer...

Photog is an avid photographer...

bigfootfish said:
Hi, Barb. Thanks and can I ask a question? How do I get to my photos you say I have in the forum? I can't seem to figure out how to get there. This website could be more user-friendly. I also have a 5 mega-pixel camera and it takes great photos but OFF has such tiny pic limits.


Sorry to confuse you over the photo issue. What I said was "you have other photogs on the forum". A photog is an avid photographer. There are quite a few photographers on the forum you can share with and ask questions of.
Let me know if I can help in any way. Sometimes it is actually better to ask questions of the person you were dealing with than to go to someone not involved. We do pride ourselves on our friendliness and willingness to care & share. I do not have all the answers, but I will try my best to find you the answer.
Trout caught in McIver park are actually steelhead smolt. Trout are not to be kept there anyway if you did actually catch one.

Every couple years I see someone walking back from the river with a stringer of "trout". Really pisses me off that they can't read the yellow signs everywhere.
Catch 22 said:
Trout caught in McIver park are actually steelhead smolt. Trout are not to be kept there anyway if you did actually catch one.

Every couple years I see someone walking back from the river with a stringer of "trout". Really pisses me off that they can't read the yellow signs everywhere.

There are native cuts in that section of river though.
Schooler even if you catch a native cutthroat it is still catch and release there. Big time ticket if you hook it on a stringer. No trout can be kept that low on the river. The regs do allow fin clipped trout at River Mill Dam up to the hwy 211 bridge and North Fork Reservior. Just trying to keep you out of trouble I don't want the man in blue hanging on on you!;)

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